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Pentecost Sunday Preview: Restorative Justice Traveling Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit: 9:00 am-12:15 pm Sunday, May 19 • Spellman Hall
Partnering with Justice Restored 3.0, a collaboration between AHHAH and Chester County Futures, we will host an art exhibit which celebrates the writing and drawings of young people from inside and outside the Chester County Juvenile Detention Center. On every page their fears and hopes shout out in strong language and vibrant illustration. This is an invitation to witness and listen to the youth of our communities, finding a way to connect to their lives and needs. 

Pentecost Special Offering: This year's recipient of Westminster's local portion (40%) of the Pentecost Special Offering will go to Hearts Holding Hands (AHHAH). Learn more about AHHAH at our Pentecost Journey Class. Donate to our Pentecost Special Offering.

Journey Class: 10:45 am Sunday, May 19 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Jan Michner, the Founder and Executive Director of Arts and Hearts Holding Hands (AHHAH), will lead our Journey Class about her work around justice and equity for youth in under-resourced communities. You will learn about the restorative work AHHAH does in Chester County and interact with the reflections of young people in our area.