
News - News, May

Parents Book Discussion Group: Growing with...

In person gatherings at church, dinner included: 6-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 15 & August 17
Virtual gatherings via Zoom: 6:30-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 29 & August 3

No matter what stage of life your kids are in, your role and identity as "parent" is ever present. Whether your kids are just entering middle school or emerging into the professional work world, we want to bring parents together to support them in whatever stage of parenting they find themselves through the guidance of the book Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future by Kara Powell & Steven Argue. We don't expect to find all the answers as we journey together, but we hope to create space for parents to share stories, support one another, and discover what it looks like for parents to grow alongside their kids. The book will be explored in smaller groups based on age/life stage of your kids and guided by parent leaders. Click here to register for the group. Click here to buy the book. Questions? Contact Chris Clark.

Support our Pentecost Offering

Donate to the Pentecost Offering which supports the development of children, youth, and young adults in our community and throughout the country. 40% of this offering stays within our community, to Hope Beyond Borders (HBB), a ministry based in Coatesville, PA which supports an international network of education initiatives. HBB strives to address the issue of inequity in school systems both locally and abroad through advocacy and redistribution of resources to those leading from the margins of power and opportunity. Their work also promotes values of inclusion, cultural humility, justice, and hope. The remainder of the offering will be sent to support the Young Adult Volunteer program; the Presbyterian Youth Triennium; and the Educate a Child, Transform the World PCUSA initiative. Click here to donate to the offering, use one of the envelopes in the pews of the sanctuary, or mail a check to the church with the memo “Pentecost offering”.

Skilled with a Sewing Machine? We Need You!

We are looking for a few sewers for our next Days for Girls event! Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating Social Enterprises, mobilizing volunteers and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigma and limitations for women and girls. Click here to learn more about Days for Girls. We will be sewing menstruation kitsSewing Machines will be provided. To sign up contact Lisa Merrill.