This Sunday

Sunday, March 30

9:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary

Luke 16:19-31

Eric Dorville

Youth Choir Choir (9:00 am)
Tim Evers & Kirsten Santos Rutchman, Directors (9:00 am)
Worship Collective (10:30 am)

Nursery Care

8:15 am – 12:15 pm • Room 109

As you head into worship or at any point during worship, you’re welcome to leave your 6 months thru 4 years old children with loving teachers and caregivers. Children will have free play and story time. 

WeeConnect & KidsConnect

9:00 am

We invite families to worship together. Children will be dismissed to Sunday School after the Children’s Sermon. Children under four can either begin in the sanctuary with families OR begin the hour in the childcare room. Children begin their time with us in the Large Group area downstairs in Heckert, but will break into classrooms. Parents can pick up their children from their classrooms at 10:40 am. Questions or for more info, contact Jill Reichert.

Age 3-4: Chapel

Kids Connect
Grade K-1: Room 108
Grade 2-3: Room 105
Grade 4-5: Room 406 

Days for Girls Kit Making Event
10:00 am -1:00 pm • Spellman Hall
Help us shatter stigma and limitations associated with menstruation for improved health, education and livelihood outcomes for girls and women everywhere with Days for Girls. Join us for one of two shifts: 10-11:30 am and/or 11:30 am-1:00 pm when we will make menstruation kits. The kits are hand-sewn washable pads and will be distributed both locally and internationally. Sewers and non-sewers are welcome. Everything needed will be provided. Click here to sign up. Questions? Contact Dana Loundas or Joni Taylor

Journey Class: The Final Days – A Lenten Journey through the Gospels by Matt Rawle 

9:00 or 10:30 am • Spellman Jr. & Zoom

The four New Testament Gospels aren’t the same story, but they offer the same Resurrection hope. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John devote most of their story detailing Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem, all highlighting Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city, the suffering and humiliation of the cross, and the empty tomb come Sunday morning. These different perspectives aren’t a reason to dismiss the Gospels; rather they reveal an abundant, diverse, and complementary picture of God’s work in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Join us for this DVD/book study, The Final Days: A Lenten Journey through the Gospels by Matt Rawleduring the season of Lent. We encourage you to read the book; however, it is not required to participate.  Click here to attend via Zoom.

Young Children & Worship

10:30 am • Chapel

Children will stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children when they head to the Chapel for a time of singing, worship, and a time of hearing/seeing a Bible story through Young Children in Worship, and then have the opportunity to respond with artistic play, ending with prayer before families pick them up. 

Fauré Requiem & Elgar The Light of Life Concert
4:00 pm • Sanctuary
Join us for our annual Lenten choral concert with 100-voice choir and professional orchestra. This year’s performance includes Elgar’s oratorio The Light of Life, which tells the story of Christ restoring sight to a blind beggar, and Faure’s sublime Requiem. No tickets needed (free-will offering).