Baptism & Communion

Communion or The Lord’s Supper

Communion is a time to renew faith and be strengthened for the privileges of Christian service in the world. Along with baptism, communion is one of two “sacraments” Jesus gave to nurture the church. In communion, the bread and cup represent Jesus’ sacrifice of His body and blood, for the sake of us and the world, and recall the last meal Jesus shared with the apostles. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, the elements enable us to give thanks, remember, and anticipate God’s redemptive work on our behalf. 

At Westminster, everyone is welcome to participate. The sacrament is open to you, regardless of your religious denomination, church membership, gender, sexual orientation, race, language, or age. If you’re not comfortable or feel that you don’t understand the sacrament well enough to take part, just stay in your seat and don’t worry. No one will pressure you to take part. But, if you do want to take part but don’t know what to do, our pastors will give brief instructions.

Communion is celebrated:

  • The first Sunday of every month at all services.
  • Every Wednesday morning at 9:10 am in the Chapel Service.
  • Special services through the year:  Ash Wednesday; Maundy Thursday; Good Friday; Holy Saturday Vigil; Easter Sunrise; 11:00 pm Christmas Eve.
  • At all Taizé contemplative services, typically on Sundays, once a month, September through June.


Baptism is a celebration of God’s covenant, a sign of God’s grace, and the seal of incorporation into Christ and into the community of faith.  The baptism of infants and young children witnesses the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith.  Baptisms for young children are scheduled on the third Sunday of every month, to take place during morning worship.  Any parent who is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church is welcome to present his/her child for baptism.  The congregation, as well as the parent(s), take vows to nurture the child in the Christian faith.  Prior to the baptism of a child, parents are required to attend a baptism class which is held the last Sunday of every month (except December).  To schedule a baptism for a child, complete our Baptism Inquiry Form.

  • (name as you would like it to appear on the baptism certificate; i.e. first, middle, last or first, middle initial, last or first and last)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • (name as you would like it to appear on the baptism certificate; i.e. first, middle, last or first, middle initial, last or first and last)
  • (name as you would like it to appear on the baptism certificate; i.e. first, middle, last or first, middle initial, last or first and last)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.