Worship is the heart of our ministry, where the proclamation of the Word of God and the celebration of the Sacraments engage us with the Holy God, and push us out into the world as empowered disciples.
Our worship varies in time, location and style – but always includes scripture, prayer, singing, teaching, and an opportunity to respond. Whether led by a choir and organ in our traditional services, by a worship band in our contemporary services, or by a small music ensemble in our contemplative Taizé services, our worship centers our mission of “Knowing Christ, Making Christ Known.”
Sunday Services

9:00 am – Traditional
This service is an hour long in the Sanctuary. The pastors and choir members wear robes. Two or three hymns are sung with organ or piano accompaniment. Our chancel choir sings, and sometimes we have our children, youth or bell choirs perform. Scripture is read and the pastor preaches a sermon from the pulpit. During worship we offer prayers and an offering is taken. On the first Sunday of the month, communion is served. On the third Sunday of the month, baptism may occur during worship.
We live stream this service and you can watch it live or anytime during the week. You’ll find lyrics and responses projected on screens in the front of the Sanctuary. Large print bulletins and hymnals are available. Listening devices are available at the information desk (in the Narthex) for use in the Sanctuary. Ask any usher for assistance.
10:30 am – Contemporary
This service is an hour long in the Sanctuary. Leaders won’t be in robes or use the pulpit. Worship is lead by our worship collective. The content of the service (the sermon, the children’s sermon, prayer) will be repeated from the earlier service.
We live stream this service and you can watchit live or anytime during the week. You’ll find lyrics and responses projected on screens in the front of the Sanctuary. Large print bulletins and hymnals are available.

Taizé Service
5:00 pm First Sunday of the Month
This 45-minute service is meditative and features musical chants of the Taizé community. Communion is served and there is time of prayer and silence to reflect on scripture.
We live stream this service and available to watch live or anytime during the week.
Evening Vespers
4:00 pm Third Sunday of the Month
This 45-minute interactive service is designed for families but encourage all ages to come and worship. Each month is designed around a different theme including a Blessing of the Animals in October. Following worship participates are invited to a potluck dinner in Spellman Hall.

Wednesday Service
9:10-9:30 am – Prayer and Communion Service
This informal 20-minute service held every Wednesday morning in our Chapel. At this meditative service, there is time to reflect on scripture through an interpretive reading, song and communion.
We live stream this service and available to watch live or anytime during the week.