Supportive Opportunities

Extended Communion
Ordained Deacons and Elders share Extended Communion on the first Sunday of each month with people who are not able to be physically present in worship to participate in the Lord’s Supper. This ministry is an extension of both Word and Sacrament to those unable to gather with the church. A regular list of recipients is maintained, including those who are ill at home, hospitalized, or in long-term care facilities. To request extended communion for yourself or others, please contact Pastor Ann Hatfield.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is a tangible way to show God’s love and compassion to people going through difficult times, such as illness, injury, or grief. The Westminster knitting group creates prayer shawls, which are presented to people in our faith community and beyond. These shawls are a physical expression of God’s presence and comfort. They are also a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. When someone receives a prayer shawl, it demonstrates concern and care from our church community. Please contact Pastor Ann Hatfield. if you know someone who might benefit from receiving a prayer shawl.

Casserole Ministry
To show God’s love and compassion, casseroles are prepared by members of the congregation and delivered to anyone in need, including families who have just had a baby, people experiencing bereavement, or those recovering from a health concern. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to take a casserole to someone they know is in need of a meal. The casseroles are stored in the church’s freezer. Please fill out the sign-in/sign-out sheet whenever a casserole is donated or removed for delivery. For more information, please contact the church office.
Prayer List
Westminster’s Prayer List consists of nearly 70 members (pray-ers) with caring hearts who dedicate their time to pray for others at their request. Each member of the prayer list receives a weekly list of prayers via email. The requests are handled with confidentiality and reverence, as prayer list members include these concerns in their conversations with God. To add someone to the prayer list or to receive more information, please contact the church office.

Card Ministry
The Deacons send cards to congregational members for a variety of events and occasions, including get-well cards, new baby congratulations, and in sympathy for situations of bereavement. For more information, please contact the church office.
Flower Ministry
Periodically, the flowers enjoyed in worship services are delivered to people as a demonstration of Christian care and compassion. Recipients include those in hospitals, in long-term care facilities, or sick at home. If you want to participate in this ministry or know of someone who would enjoy receiving flowers, please contact Pastor Ann Hatfield.