
Our Memorial Garden offers a sacred and peaceful place to memorialize the faithfully departed and house their ashes. Our garden and ossuarium is located next to our Sanctuary. Surrounded by trees, benches and an outdoor labyrinth, our garden is a quiet, prayerful space.

Read our Ossuarium’s rules and regulations.

OssuariumDouble NicheSingle Niche
Top Row of Niches$3,100 N/A
Middle Row$2,800N/A
Lower Middle Row$2,400$1,800
Bottom Row$2,000$1,800
Other Costs for OssuariumPrice
Ossuary Vault$500
Bronze Urn
For pre-install phase, bronze urns will be included in niche price.
Satin Urn Embroidered-Ossuary$150

Application for Internment