We welcome guest preacher, Dori Hjalmarson and Juan Rodas to Westminster

We welcome guest preacher, Dori Hjalmarson and Juan Rodas to Westminster.
Dori is the mission co-worker serving in Honduras with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras. She was born and raised in the Southwest U.S. border region. Dori earned her master’s degree in divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary and is third generation of Presbyterian pastors called to mission service in her family. She was also trained as a journalist at the University of Missouri and has worked as a reporter and editor.
Juan grew up fishing and farming. He became a Christian after meeting his future wife, Yolanda Samayoa, and became a pastor in his father-in-law’s Presbyterian Church in Tegucigalpa. Over the past 25 years, Juan watched the Presbyterian Church in Honduras grow from 12 congregations to 30. He has three children and five grandchildren. Juan is currently moderator of the Honduras presbytery’s board of directors and in general acts as a pastor to the pastors, visiting congregations and caring for leaders of the churches.
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