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Support Anti-Human Trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Westminster’s Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy Working Group will collect household items for Dawn’s Place. Dawn’s Place supports women affected by commercial sexual exploitation and its abuse by providing services to women, raising awareness and generating prevention. Bring items to church during the month of January and place in the bins around the building. Here is a list of items being collected:
- Large Trash Bags 30 gal
- Dish Washing Detergent
- Ziplock bags – 1 Gal
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Toilet Paper
- Tissues
- Paper Towels
- Napkins
- Laundry Detergent
- Swiffer Wet Jet Refill
- Bathroom Cleaner Spray
- Hand Soap
- Furniture Polish
- Glass Cleaner
- Dryer Sheets
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