Registration Open for Camp Spark! 

Monday-Friday June 23 – 27 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm with optional afternoon component from 12:00 – 4:00 pm)
Camp SPARK returns! This summer camp for PreK-Rising 6th graders shares the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. The morning activities will focus on Worship Arts or things you experience in worship while the afternoon will focus on Westminster’s ministry, mission and recreation. Click here to register or sign up to volunteer.


  • $150/child for morning only & PreK camp (Family max – $250)
    Families registering multiple children for morning only or PreK camp, please contact the Church Office to get the $250 max discount code.
  • $250/child for full day camp (Family max- $500)

*Scholarships/Sponsorships available as needed
*Discounts available when an adult family member volunteers.