
Thank You for the Thanksgiving Feast!

Thank you to everyone who donated turkeys, hams or grocery gift cards on Sunday. We collected over100 turkeys and over $400 in gift cards which we will use to purchase turkeys and hams for families this Thanksgiving!

We also collected 132 blankets and distributed them to the Tick Tock Early Learning Center, Chester County Migrant Ministries, the Community Warehouse, Prevention Point of Philadelphia, the West Chester Food Cupboard, the St. Agnes Day Room and Safe Harbor. 

We’re Grateful for You!

As we head into Thanksgiving week we want to take a moment to thank you for your gifts to Westminster. Your time and talents as well as your financial gifts make Westminster’s life thrive. We’re grateful for the 358 households who committed $1,570,152 as a promise for Westminster’s future in 2025. If you have not done so already, there is still time fill out an Estimate of Giving card. We challenge you to work toward a tithe (10% of your income). Thank you for your support of Westminster’s mission and ministry in 2025. Questions?  Contact Sandy Kurek.

Order Your Poinsettia(s)


Once again we will adorn our sanctuary with poinsettia plants at Christmas. If you’d like to order a poinsettia plant in memory of or in honor of a loved one or friend, contact Barb Drain with your name and the dedication you would like listed in the bulletin. Cost is $10. Make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church (with poinsettia on the memo line) and turn in to the church office. Session also encourages those who wish to contribute to the Endowment Fund in memory or honor of a loved one or friend to do so; names will also be listed.

Order Your Christmas Concert Tickets Now!

“Illuminate those in darkness… and direct our footpath in the way of peace.” – Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)

These words used in Elaine Hagenberg’s Illuminare inspire the selections in this year’s Christmas concerts. Illuminare features themes of Splendor, Glory, Love, Night, Peace & Light. This work is wrapped with familiar carols like Silent Night, The First Noel, Lo’ How a Rose E’er Blooming & Joy to the World as well as carol settings by John Rutter, Gustav Holst & Ryan Murphy.

Come hear our 100 Voice Concert Choir with chamber orchestra and handbells as they present their 34th Annual Christmas Concerts.

Concerts last about one hour. Tickets are free but are required to avoid overcrowding. This year ticket requests will be online only. There is a limit of 6 tickets per reservation. A $25 donation per ticket is suggested. If groups are interested in more than 6 tickets, please contact the church office. Unused tickets will be released 15 minutes before the program begins.

Click here to order your tickets! 

Christmas Concert Schedule:

2:00 & 5:00 pm Saturday, December 14
3:00 & 6:00 pm Sunday, December 15

Unable to attend? You can enjoy the concert by watching the live stream concert at 3 pm on Sunday, December 15. Childcare is available at the afternoon concerts by reservation. Contact Mary Maina at to reserve space for your child(ren)

Sign Up for Dinner for 8’s Spring Sessions!

Dinner for 8 is an opportunity to join a small group of eight people (couples and singles – all are welcome!) to gather for good food, great conversation, and Christian fellowship by rotating dinner at a different household or restaurant each month. The spring session will run from January through May. Email Scott & Erin Lockledge by December 20 if you would like to participate. They will send the spring schedule to participants by January 4.

Be a Candle Lighter in Worship this Advent!

We are looking for advent candle lighters during worship on Sundays in Advent and on Christmas Eve. You can do this as an individual, family or with a friend – the possibilities are plentiful! You will be provided with the instructions ahead of time as well as any readings if there are any, though it may simply be lighting the candle for that particular Sunday. Click here to sign up. Questions? Contact Pastor Jon.

Blessing of Homemade Comfort Objects

Approximately 300 items (prayer shawls, comfort critters, hats for all ages, baby blankets and clothing) made with love from our Stitch Unto Others group are blessed before they are distributed to various charities.

Join the Racial Healing Book Study

3:30 pm First & Third Monday of the Month starting November 18 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Donegal Presbytery’s Racial Justice Task Group is hosting a new book discussion on racial healing. Join others in learning more about challenging privilege, confronting systemic racism, and engaging in collective healing. Interested in learning more about this opportunity? Contact Ann Hatfield. 

Help Decorate our WPC Family Christmas Tree

This year we’re designating the Christmas tree in Spellman Jr as our family tree. During our November 17 gratitude vesper service at 5:00 pm we will bless the tree. Afterwords and throughout the Advent season, bring in an ornament that you have made, purchased, or brought from home and add it to the tree. There will be hanging labels to add to the ornament if you’d like to label them. Questions? Contact Gail Lee.