
New Women’s Weekly Bible Study Begins

9:45-11:30 am Wednesdays, starting January 22 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Do you have trouble thinking of words to say, fear some emotions are too intense to express to God, or reach the end of the day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You’re not alone. Thankfully, in God’s Word we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray. Join our Wednesday women’s small group to discuss these tough questions for their new study, When You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible. This is a DVD & book study and you can partipate in person or on Zoom. Participants purchase the workbook on their own.

Weather on the Radar? Where to Find Schedule Changes and Cancellations 

In this winter season, plans can change quickly. When snowy, icy weather is forecast, here’s where you can find church schedule changes:

  • At the very top of the church website in the scrolling blue ALERTS bar
  • Posted on Westminster’s social media channels (Facebook/X(Twitter)/Instagram)

It’s our practice NOT to send email notifications for every closing and schedule change as these can be frequent and not everyone subscribed to our email list needs the same information.

Volunteer at Broad StreetWatch Our Christmas

Looking for a place to volunteer?  Broad Street Love (formerly Broad Street Ministry) located at 315 South Broad Street in Philadelphia offers radical hospitality to all people in their community.  Westminster sends up to 3 volunteers to help serve, bus, and clean up lunch at the 10:30 am – 2 pm Sanctuary Lunch Service on the third Thursday of each month. The next opportunity would be on Thursday, January 16.  Questions?  Contact Joseph Kefauver.

Return Your Luminaries by Sunday

If you took a luminary bag home to decorate please return to the table in the Narthex by December 22 for us to use on Christmas Eve. Help is needed for assembling, staging and/or lighting the luminaries on Christmas Eve. You are welcome to sign up for more than one slot. Click here to sign up.

One Service on Sunday, December 29

10 am Sunday, December 29 • Sanctuary & Live Stream
Continue to celebrate the Christmas season at 10 am on Sunday, December 29 which includes scripture readings and singing favorite Christmas carols. No nursery, KidsConnect, Young Children and Worship, Café 10 West, Journey Class, Youth Choir or Youth Group on December 29. All of the above resume on Sunday, January 5.

Return Your Luminaries

If you took a luminary bag home to decorate please return by December 22 for us to use on Christmas Eve. White luminary bags are available in the Narthex. Pick one up, take it home and ponder these questions on your own or with your family:

  • Where do you notice signs of Christ’s peace in a conflicted and violent world?
  • When have you ever been surprised by God’s grace?

Click here for more info.