Help Us Celebrate Rev. Ann Hatfield’s Retirement

9:30 & 11 am February 16 & 10 am February 23
After 14 years of ordained ministry at Westminster, Rev. Ann Hatfield retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Outreach. Come hear Pastor Ann preach her final sermon during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 16. We will recognize and celebrate Pastor Ann on her final Sunday in a combined worship service at 10 am on February 23 when Jon Frost, Associate Pastor of Worship will preach. Following the service, we will gather in Spellman Hall for a church-wide reception.
If you would like to share thoughts and memories about Ann’s leadership, we invite you to drop off photos, cards or letters in baskets found in the Narthex during the first two Sundays in February.
Calling all Deacons, past and present! If you would like to contribute a dessert for the Deacons’ Dessert table to honor Ann’s years overseeing the Deacons, contact Joanne Ebert.
Revelries and Revolutionaries Elevation Concert

4:00 pm Sunday, February 16 • Sanctuary
Celebrate Black History Month with Elevation, an all-professional, intentionally diverse vocal ensemble performing the music of pioneering Black composers. Hailed as “one of the best listens you’re likely to experience this year or any” by Vents Magazine, Elevation will offer works by Kay, Franklin, Dilworth, Robles, Moore, and Bonds. This concert honors the Black experience and the artists who have transformed American music with their bold, joyful, and revolutionary compositions. Elevation will be joined by our Chancel Choir and other participants in the Lift Every Voice Workshop. Click here to buy tickets ($20/adult or $10/student).
Registration Open for Camp Spark!

Monday-Friday June 23 – 27 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm with optional afternoon component from 12:00 – 4:00 pm)
Camp SPARK returns! This summer camp for PreK-Rising 6th graders shares the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. The morning activities will focus on Worship Arts or things you experience in worship while the afternoon will focus on Westminster’s ministry, mission and recreation. Click here to register or sign up to volunteer.
- $150/child for morning only & PreK camp (Family max – $250)
Families registering multiple children for morning only or PreK camp, please contact the Church Office to get the $250 max discount code. - $250/child for full day camp (Family max- $500)
*Scholarships/Sponsorships available as needed
*Discounts available when an adult family member volunteers.
Worship Schedule Change
January 23, 2025Winter Weather Update: Sunday, January 19
January 19, 2025We are closely monitoring the weather forecast. As of now, the changes to our Sunday schedule are:
- Journey class is online only, to begin at 11:00 am
- Youth Leader Luncheon postponed.
- Youth Choir rehearsal is canceled.
We will update any additional changes on our website & social media by 9:00 am.
Our biggest priority and concern is your safety traveling to and from worship. If you’re concerned about driving, we encourage you to join worship online.
New Gathering of Men Study Begins
January 16, 20257:00 pm Wednesdays starting January 15 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Men, join Gathering of Men for their new five-week study, Who Is This Man: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg. In this book, John Ortberg shows how Jesus’ influence has swept over history, bringing his inspiration to areas of culture such as art, science, government, medicine, and education. He also reveals how Jesus’ vision for us to lead lives of dignity, compassion, forgiveness, and hope continues to inspire and challenge humanity today. Questions? Contact Gerry McShane.
Register for the Women’s Retreat

Friday, March 21 & Saturday, March 22 • Westminster
Led by Cheryl Galan, our women’s retreat is an invitation to Soul-Tending for… Life. We’ll create a space for nesting, resting and questing with our souls. In this space, we’ll share experiences of soul tending that help us listen for the holy in all the moments of our lives.
Come, for cherished time with God, for joyful companionship with other women and for nourishing experiences with your own soul. Participate as your schedule allows – for the full retreat on Friday and Saturday, or only for Friday or Saturday. Click here to register.
CA Wildfire Emergency Response Efforts
January 16, 2025Southern California is facing multiple uncontrolled fires, exacerbated by strong winds and dry conditions. Tens of thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate. Residents are struggling with water contamination, electricity outages, major fire damage, poor air quality, and the ongoing risk of flying embers. In response, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is in communication with affected presbyteries to share information, award emergency assistance grants, and coordinate resources as needs are assessed.
Along with your prayers, your generous financial gifts will bring hope, help, and encouragement to communities impacted by these fires. Click here to support the PDA’s efforts or make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church, designating “CA Wildfires” in the memo line. We will forward the collected funds to PDA. Click here for updates on the response efforts.
Starting in March – New Sunday Schedule
January 15, 2025Dear Westminster members and friends,
We are excited to announce that in response to feedback from more than 450 congregants, we will be adjusting worship times by a half an hour for both of our Sunday morning services.
Beginning Sunday, March 2, our new Sunday schedule will be:
- 9:00 am – Traditional Worship with Chancel Choir
KidsConnect and WeeConnect offered during worship service - 10:15 am – Journey Class in Spellman Jr and online
- 10:30 am – Contemporary Worship
Young Children and Worship program offered during worship service - 5:00 pm – Youth Choir rehearsal
- 5:30 pm – Youth Group
All current Spiritual Growth opportunities, including Children’s programming, will shift earlier, corresponding with worship time adjustments.
Why this change? Over the past year Session leaders and pastors have been evaluating and prayerfully considering many aspects of the scheduling of our worship services, Journey Classes, KidsConnect Sunday School, and other opportunities within a tight Sunday morning timeframe. We believe it is important to continually evaluate and respond to the needs of our congregation and to what we’re hearing from everyone who worships with us – in person, as well as virtually.
In the fall, we shared a survey with members and friends of Westminster, asking for feedback on preferences for worship times, and inviting you to share your thoughts on the worship experience.
Here are some highlights from the survey:
- There is a strong desire to maintain two styles of worship – traditional and contemporary.
- There are many varying thoughts on the ‘ideal’ time for each service, but 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. emerged as the best set of times based on preference.
- Those who attend our Contemporary Service want the opportunity to also attend Journey Classes and have fellowship time on Sunday mornings.
- There is a preference for children’s programming to be held in conjunction with Sunday worship.
A committee that included staff and members poured over this feedback, evaluated worship times at other congregations, and had one-on-one conversations to understand better the challenges and longings for worship and other gatherings.
Numerous times over the last 20 years, Westminster has adjusted worship times. We considered many options and possible schedules. The half-hour adjustment emerged as the best next step and has been approved by Session. Our prayer is that this change will address stated needs and support our mission of Knowing Christ, and Making Christ Known to those who have yet to join us in worship.
As our church and congregation evolves, changes, and grows, along with our society and the rhythms of our community and lives, change is inevitable. However, we know it’s not always easy! Some may be very pleased about this change while others may be frustrated.
It is important to our leadership that you know we will monitor and evaluate this time change to make sure that after a period of adjustment, it is working well for our church community. This adjustment will also allow for further expansion of spiritual growth and fellowship opportunities going forward, like additional Journey class times.
We will continue to offer some combined worship services at special times, bringing together both the Traditional and Contemporary Worship teams for a joint service at 10:00 am as we will do on Sunday, January 26 for the Annual Meeting, and on Sunday, February 23, to celebrate retiring Associate Pastor Ann Hatfield’s ministry among us. We will also continue to live stream both Traditional and Contemporary services, and we are evaluating how to enhance virtual worship offerings.
Our goal is always to create worship experiences that warmly invite everyone to join together, as we glorify God and experience the transformative power of God’s love.
In Christ,
Pastor Leah Hrachovec and Worship & Arts Committee
Support Anti-Human Trafficking

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Westminster’s Anti-Human Trafficking Advocacy Working Group will collect household items for Dawn’s Place. Dawn’s Place supports women affected by commercial sexual exploitation and its abuse by providing services to women, raising awareness and generating prevention. Bring items to church during the month of January and place in the bins around the building. Here is a list of items being collected:
- Large Trash Bags 30 gal
- Dish Washing Detergent
- Ziplock bags – 1 Gal
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Toilet Paper
- Tissues
- Paper Towels
- Napkins
- Laundry Detergent
- Swiffer Wet Jet Refill
- Bathroom Cleaner Spray
- Hand Soap
- Furniture Polish
- Glass Cleaner
- Dryer Sheets