Test Post
June 6, 2023Mesmerizing birds meowing non stop for food but meow meow. Really likes hummus where is my slave? I’m getting hungry car rides are evil the cat was chasing the mouse. Purrrrrr jump five feet high and sideways when a shadow moves. Hide head under blanket so no one can see intently stare at the same spot. Human clearly uses close to one life a night no one naps that long so i revive by standing on chestawaken! sit in box my water bowl is clean and freshly replenished, so i’ll drink from the toilet so loves cheeseburgers find something else more interesting furrier and even more furrier hairball for crash against wall but walk away like nothing happened.
Hello world!
June 5, 2023Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Fill a Backpack for Bridge Academy
June 1, 2023Send a child back to school well prepared through Bridge Academy in Coatesville. Buy a backpack and fill it with school supplies or buy specific items to fill a backpack. Click here for a full list of supplies. Money donations and Walmart gift cards are welcome, too! ($50 to fill a backpack or $75 to buy and fill a backpack.) Drop off the filled backpack or individual items in Café 10 West by July 31. Questions? Contact Laura Davis.
Parents Book Discussion Group: Growing with…
May 25, 2023In person gatherings at church, dinner included: 6-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 15 & August 17
Virtual gatherings via Zoom: 6:30-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 29 & August 3
No matter what stage of life your kids are in, your role and identity as “parent” is ever present. Whether your kids are just entering middle school or emerging into the professional work world, we want to bring parents together to support them in whatever stage of parenting they find themselves through the guidance of the book Growing With: Every Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future by Kara Powell & Steven Argue. We don’t expect to find all the answers as we journey together, but we hope to create space for parents to share stories, support one another, and discover what it looks like for parents to grow alongside their kids. The book will be explored in smaller groups based on age/life stage of your kids and guided by parent leaders. Click here to register for the group. Click here to buy the book. Questions? Contact Chris Clark.
Support our Pentecost Offering
May 25, 2023Donate to the Pentecost Offering which supports the development of children, youth, and young adults in our community and throughout the country. 40% of this offering stays within our community, to Hope Beyond Borders (HBB), a ministry based in Coatesville, PA which supports an international network of education initiatives. HBB strives to address the issue of inequity in school systems both locally and abroad through advocacy and redistribution of resources to those leading from the margins of power and opportunity. Their work also promotes values of inclusion, cultural humility, justice, and hope. The remainder of the offering will be sent to support the Young Adult Volunteer program; the Presbyterian Youth Triennium; and the Educate a Child, Transform the World PCUSA initiative. Click here to donate to the offering, use one of the envelopes in the pews of the sanctuary, or mail a check to the church with the memo “Pentecost offering”.
Annual Diaper Drive Begins
May 4, 2023Did you know 1 in 3 US Moms report suffering from Diaper Need? Diaper Need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or toddler clean, dry and healthy. Please consider honoring a Mom you know by donating diapers & wipes during May. Diapers and wipes will be distributed to 7 organizations in Chester County that work with families in need of diapers. Diapers and wipes can be left in collection bins throughout the church or purchased online, and delivered directly to Westminster at 10 West Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester PA 19382. Questions? contact Angela Emrich.
Skilled with a Sewing Machine? We Need You!
May 4, 2023We are looking for a few sewers for our next Days for Girls event! Days for Girls increases access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating Social Enterprises, mobilizing volunteers and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigma and limitations for women and girls. Click here to learn more about Days for Girls. We will be sewing menstruation kits. Sewing Machines will be provided. To sign up contact Lisa Merrill.
Westminster is Hiring!
April 20, 2023Childcare Coordinator: This 5-7 hour per week position needs someone who loves God’s children, and has great organizational skills. Click here to read the job description.
Associate Director of Music: This part-time position (20 hours/week) will support the adult and youth choirs while leading the children’s choir program. A successful candidate will also be an integral part of worship leadership from the organ and piano. Click here to view the full job description. Questions? Contact Tim Evers.
Volunteers Needed for VBS

Hero Hotline (VBS) is coming to Westminster & WE NEED YOU!!!
9 am – 12 pm June 19-23 (Mon thru Fri)
We need youth and adult heroes to help! We need many more volunteers to run the current program. We’re looking to go live with registration in the next 10-12 days. Without the help below, we will have to re-design the program and open it up to less participants.
We need:
- Pre-VBS Prep Help & Decorators
- Registration/Check-in Helpers (the mornings of VBS)
- Crew Leaders (16 adults + 16 youth)
- 1-2 More Youth Music Motion Leaders
- 1 Pre-School Co-Director
- Pre-School Crafts & Games Leaders
Sign-ups are easy. We’ve given you 3 options!
- Email Jill Reichert
- Sign up with this Sign-up Genius link
- Sign up on the sheets at the Information Desk in the Narthex
Then, we’ll contact you!
New Text Giving at Westminster
April 13, 2023We are changing how we text give at Westminster which is easy and saves us subscription/processing costs. Our Director of Finance, Sandy Kurek shows you how in this short video. Just text keyword “EGIVEWPC” to 73256 on your mobile device. Click the response link and add the amount, Fund(s) (new), frequency, date, email and select or add your payment information. That’s all – we challenge you to try it! Questions? Contact Sandy Kurek.