
Register for Praxis Confirmation

Beginning in 8th grade, Westminster Presbyterian Church offers youth a 7-month long confirmation experience framed by the PC(USA) Matthew 25 initiative, where they are confirmed for a journey of faith exploration and engagement alongside an adult mentor.

  • Confirmands EXPERIMENT with various practices and exercises around Christian faith values by using resources from a provided playlist on a bi-weekly basis, to gain theological understanding and confidence to serve “the least of these” in their community.
  • They DEVELOP a relationship with a caring adult mentor by meeting with them two times a month for conversation, connection, and reflection, because adult mentors are vital to the flourishing of young people in their life and faith formation.
  • Finally, confirmands CREATE a Pay It Forward Project as the culmination of their class experience using grant money to seed their support for a cause, ministry, or organization of their choice in the local community in order to help youth realize a sense of personal agency in their faith.

All youth in 8th grade or older and have not taken the journey of confirmation class are invited for the 2023-2024 year. The registration can be found HERE on our church website. Deadline to register: September 10.

Last Sunday to Donate Items for Cheyney University Students

90% of the students at Cheyney qualify as low income, disabled, or are the first in their family to attend college. We would like to welcome all 750 Cheyney students back to campus with a gift from Westminster. Each student will receive an aluminum water bottle filled with goodies. We will collect colored pens & highlighters, colored sticky notes, candy, $5 Wawa gift cards, and popcorn between July 23 – August 13. Please drop off donations of any of these items in the collection bins around the church. Join us between 12 – 4 pm on Wednesday, August 16, in Room 413 to help pack the water bottles. Questions? Contact Angela Emrich or Nancy Tuttle.

Welcome Janet Gauger, Our New Prayer Ministry Coordinator!

It is with joy that we introduce you to Janet Gauger who has graciously and enthusiastically volunteered to be our new Prayer Ministry Coordinator. Janet and her husband Rich joined Westminster in 2010 and she has also served as the Sunshine Coordinator for the Chancel Choir over the years. Janet’s gifts of compassionate care, deep listening, and faithful service to the church will allow for this Prayer Ministry of and for the people of Westminster and beyond to continue each week. Contact Janet or the church office if you wish to join our prayer ministry team or have a prayer concern you’d like our prayer ministry to lift up. Prayer request forms are located in the sanctuary pew racks.

Now Open: Register Your Children for the 2023-2024 Program Year!

Our children’s ministry program year begins September 17. Please register your children for the 2023-2024 children ministries program year. This includes families who have registered in previous years! Register children for

  • KidsConnect (Grades K-5)
    9:30 – 10:40 am Sundays, Sept. – May
    Children stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children. They will begin the gathered time downstairs in the large gathering area to watch the Bible story unfold (in true storyteller fashion) and then wonder about the story and what it means for them. They will then break into their age-specific classroom time for “Sads & Glads” prayer time and small group response activities. They will explore God’s word using the Celebrate Wonder Curriculum. Click here to register. Questions? Contact Jill Reichert.
  • WeeConnect (Ages 3-Pre-K)
    9:30 – 10:40 am Sundays, Sept. – May
    Children stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children then they head downstairs (or they arrive before the service begins to stay the whole hour). After an opening time of singing, they will have a time of hearing/seeing a Bible story through Young Children in Worship storytelling in the connecting room, and have the opportunity to respond with artistic play, and end with prayer before families pick them up. Click here to register. Questions? Contact Jill Reichert.
  • Young Children in Worship (Ages Pre-K thru Elementary)
    11:00 am Sundays, Sept. – May
    Children will stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children when they head to Spellman Hall for a time of singing, worship, and a time of hearing/seeing a Bible story through Young Children in Worship, and then have the opportunity to respond with artistic play, ending with prayer before families pick them up. Questions? Contact Jill Reichert.
  • Child Care (6 months thru 4 years)
    9 am – 12 pm Sundays, year round
    As you head into worship or at any point during worship, you’re welcome to leave your children with loving teachers and caregivers. Children will have free play and story time. Click here to register. Questions? Contact Mary Maina.

Is God Calling You to a Ministry of Prayer?

We are looking for a new volunteer administrator to help lead the prayer chain ministry. This ministry takes a few short hours a week to gather emailed requests for prayer and send them out compiled in one email to Westminster’s faithful Prayer Warriors. Questions or to express your interest in leading this valuable ministry, contact Jennie Moffitt in the church office.

Welcome Back to Campus Gift for Cheyney University Students

90% of the students at Cheyney Qualify are low income, disabled, or are the 1st in their family to attend college. We would like to welcome all 750 Cheyney student back to campus with a gift from Westminster. Each student will receive an aluminum water bottle filled with goodies. We will collect colored pens & highlighters, colored sticky notes/index cards, candy, $5 Wawa gift cards, and popcorn between July 23 – August 13. Please drop off donations of any of these items in the collection bins around the church. Questions? Contact Angela Emrich or Nancy Tuttle.

Our Gleaning Garden Needs Help Picking Produce

Our Gleaning Garden is growing produce for local food cupboards, and we can use your help. This week we finished spinach and are picking peas and herbs. We’re starting to harvest peppers, tomatillo, cucumbers, squash and beans. No gardening experience is needed, and the time commitment is flexible. If you have an hour or two during the day and could harvest and then deliver to a Food Cupboard, that would be ideal. Groups, families and weeders are welcome! Click here to signup to volunteer. Questions? Contact Anita Gordon.

Thrift Shop Summer Hours Begin Monday

The thrift shop’s summer hours begin July 10 through Wednesday, August 23. The thrift shop is open 10 am – 3 pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. PLEASE DO NOT leave donations in the storage containers in Spellman Hall during summer hours.