Join the Gleaning Garden Crew
June 15, 2023Our Gleaning Garden is growing produce for local food cupboards, and we can use your help. This week we finished spinach and are picking peas and herbs. Harvesting peppers, tomatillo, cucumbers, squash and beans will begin later this month. No gardening experience is needed, and the time commitment is flexible. If you have an hour or two during the day and could harvest and then deliver to a Food Cupboard, that would be ideal. Groups, families and weeders are welcome! Click here to signup to volunteer. Questions? Contact Anita Gordon.
Join Our Summer Choir
June 15, 20238:45 am Sundays, June 18- September 3 • Music Room
Adults and high school youth are invited to sing in worship. Drop in one week or hang out for the summer. On Sundays, anyone who wishes to sing that morning can meet in the Music Room at 8:45 am to practice an anthem and response for that morning’s 9:30 worship service. Come and sing! Questions? Contact Tim Evers.
Hello world!
June 14, 2023Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Celebrating Our 2023 Graduates!
June 8, 2023Are you or do you have a son or daughter graduating from high school, college, or the military? Congratulations! Let us know so we can recognize them at the church. Send us a picture and a brief write up including the proud parents’ names, the grad’s full name, where they are graduating from, and where they will be pursuing their education (college/major) or the job they will be taking on! We would also love to include if they were involved in any programs, activities, trips, or groups within the church too! Drop off a picture (8×10 or 5×7 which will be returned, so include your address) and the write up to the church office. Questions? Contact Susanne Perkins.
Summer Women’s Bible Study: “Got Wisdom” with Sue Fry
June 8, 20239:45 – 11 am June 7 – August 9 • Hybrid (Spellman Jr. & Zoom)
“Got Wisdom?” is a weekly (except not meeting VBS week June 21) Hybrid Summer Women’s Bible Study exploring the Hebrew wisdom writings of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job, taught by Sue Fry. It is a recap and continuation of Sue Fry’s Journey Class earlier this year. There is no signup, so just come as you are able. There is no workbook to purchase and no homework, just come and learn. Click here to attend via Zoom. Questions? Contact Kathy Smedley.
Test Post v2
June 6, 2023Ask to be pet then attack owners hand under the bed, or my water bowl is clean and freshly replenished, so i’ll drink from the toilet get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber or carrying out surveillance on the neighbour’s dog and rub face on owner. Cat fur is the new black eat the rubberband rub my belly hiss and terrorize the hundred-and-twenty-pound rottweiler and steal his bed, not sorry so more napping, more napping all the napping is exhausting, but eat the fat cats food yet thinking about you i’m joking it’s food always food. Hiiiiiiiiii feed me now playing with balls of wool, chase laser and carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle and licks paws. Headbutt owner’s knee stare at owner accusingly then wink, but poop on grasses, so if it fits i sits run outside as soon as door open poop on the floor, break a planter, sprint, eat own hair, vomit hair, hiss, chirp at birds, eat a squirrel, hide from fireworks, lick toe beans, attack christmas tree. Avoid the new toy and just play with the box it came in jump on counter removed by human jump on counter again removed by human meow before jumping on counter this time to let the human know am coming back. Naughty running cat paw at beetle and eat it before it gets away jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, . Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff see brother cat receive pets, attack out of jealousy meoooow.
Test Post
June 6, 2023Mesmerizing birds meowing non stop for food but meow meow. Really likes hummus where is my slave? I’m getting hungry car rides are evil the cat was chasing the mouse. Purrrrrr jump five feet high and sideways when a shadow moves. Hide head under blanket so no one can see intently stare at the same spot. Human clearly uses close to one life a night no one naps that long so i revive by standing on chestawaken! sit in box my water bowl is clean and freshly replenished, so i’ll drink from the toilet so loves cheeseburgers find something else more interesting furrier and even more furrier hairball for crash against wall but walk away like nothing happened.
Hello world!
June 5, 2023Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Fill a Backpack for Bridge Academy
June 1, 2023Send a child back to school well prepared through Bridge Academy in Coatesville. Buy a backpack and fill it with school supplies or buy specific items to fill a backpack. Click here for a full list of supplies. Money donations and Walmart gift cards are welcome, too! ($50 to fill a backpack or $75 to buy and fill a backpack.) Drop off the filled backpack or individual items in Café 10 West by July 31. Questions? Contact Laura Davis.
Parents Book Discussion Group: Growing with…
May 25, 2023In person gatherings at church, dinner included: 6-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 15 & August 17
Virtual gatherings via Zoom: 6:30-7:30 pm Thursdays, June 29 & August 3
No matter what stage of life your kids are in, your role and identity as “parent” is ever present. Whether your kids are just entering middle school or emerging into the professional work world, we want to bring parents together to support them in whatever stage of parenting they find themselves through the guidance of the book Growing With: Every Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future by Kara Powell & Steven Argue. We don’t expect to find all the answers as we journey together, but we hope to create space for parents to share stories, support one another, and discover what it looks like for parents to grow alongside their kids. The book will be explored in smaller groups based on age/life stage of your kids and guided by parent leaders. Click here to register for the group. Click here to buy the book. Questions? Contact Chris Clark.