
Last Week to Register for Camp Spark!

Monday-Friday June 24 – 28 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm with optional afternoon 12:00 – 4:00 pm)

Camp SPARK is our summer children’s program! This camp will share the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. The morning activities will focus on Worship Arts while the afternoon will focus on Westminster’s ministry and mission, plus recreation and fun! Click here for more info, pricing and registration. Questions or for more info, contact Jill Reichert.

We also need volunteers! Click here to see some roles needed. Adults will need background clearances; we are glad to help you through the clearance process! 

Living Waters Report

Despite the rainy weather on Saturday, around 40 people walked, sat in a stroller or ran a 5K to raise over $9,000 for Living Waters for the World! Click here to see more photos of the event. You can still help them with their fundraising efforts! Click here to make a donation. 

“Dinner for 8” returns this fall!

After a hiatus of several years, “Dinner for 8” returns this fall! “Dinner for 8” is an opportunity to join a small group of eight people (couples and singles – all are welcome!) to gather for good food, great conversation, and Christian fellowship. Dinners rotate between different households or restaurants each month. The fall session will run from September through December. Registration will start in late summer. Questions, or want a reminder when registration opens? Contact Scott & Erin Lockledge.

Update from the Transitional Associate Pastor (TAP) Search Team

Westminster has opened its search for a full-time Transitional Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth. The Transitional Associate Pastor (TAP) Search Team is listing this opening with the presbytery and surrounding presbyteries. If you know of a pastor whose gifts would enhance our ministry and spiritual growth at Westminster, please share news of this search. Full job description is here and email inquiries/applications to our TAP team.

Thank you Ron Bellamy!

This Sunday is Ron Bellamy’s last Sunday directing the Chancel Ringers. We thank him for his many years of service and wish him all the best. Join us for a reception in Café 10 West following the 9:30 am traditional service when you can thank Ron for his music leadership.

This Sunday: Pentecost

Restorative Justice Traveling Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit:9:00 am-12:15 pm Sunday, May 19 • Spellman Hall
Partnering with Justice Restored 3.0, a collaboration between AHHAH and Chester County Futures, we will host an art exhibit which celebrates the writing and drawings of young people from inside and outside the Chester County Juvenile Detention Center. On every page their fears and hopes shout out in strong language and vibrant illustration. This is an invitation to witness and listen to the youth of our communities, finding a way to connect to their lives and needs. 

Pentecost Special Offering: This year’s recipient of Westminster’s local portion (40%) of the Pentecost Special Offering will go to Hearts Holding Hands (AHHAH). Learn more about AHHAH at our Pentecost Journey Class. Donate to our Pentecost Special Offering.

Journey Class:10:45 am Sunday, May 19 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Jan Michner, the Founder and Executive Director of Arts and Hearts Holding Hands (AHHAH), will lead our Journey Class about her work around justice and equity for youth in under-resourced communities. You will learn about the restorative work AHHAH does in Chester County and interact with the reflections of young people in our area.

We’re Hiring!

Finance Assistant
This part-time position (20-25 hrs/wk) reports to the Finance Director and provides assistance and backup in Accounts Payable, Deposits, Payroll and Financial Reporting. Click here for the full job description. All interested candidates should send their resume and cover letter to Sandy Kurek. 

This full-time position (40 hrs/week) reports to the Church Administrator. Click here for the full job description. All interested candidates should send their resume and cover letter to Gerry McShane.

Nursery Care Staff
Do you love God and love children? We are hiring for part-time (4 hrs/Sundays and occasional special events) Nursery Care Staff. Come walk alongside these wonder-filled little people as they begin their journeys through God’s Kingdom. You’ll be abundantly blessed! For more info, contact Mary Maina.

Annual Diaper Drive Begins

Did you know 1 in 3 US Moms report suffering from diaper need? Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or toddler clean, dry and healthy. Please consider honoring a Mom you know by donating diapers & wipes during May. We will distribute diapers and wipes to seven organizations in Chester County that work with families in need of diapers. Drop off diapers and wipes in the bins throughout the church or purchased online and delivered directly to Westminster at 10 West Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester PA 19382. Questions? contact Angela Emrich.

Support our Children and Youth

One of the many blessings of church life is fostering intergenerational relationships. Because of this we encourage you if you haven’t already done so, to get your background clearances or renew your clearances if they are out of date.

Get your clearances on your own and submit them to Jennie Moffitt

  1. Pennsylvania Criminal History report from the Pennsylvania State Police
  2. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
  3. Sign this residency waiver stating that you have lived in the state of PA for the past 10 years.  Volunteers that have not lived in PA for the past 10 years must submit to fingerprinting. 

If navigating this process is stopping you from getting your clearances, our staff wants to help you! Our staff is reserving times in their schedules to help you through the process. Click here to reserve a time with a staff member at a convenient time for you. We offer different options between 8:30 am – 9:00 pm Sundays – Fridays. Questions? Contact Jennie Moffitt.

March General Fund Financial Snapshot

“Either we’re not effective budgeters or the Spirit is doing some magical things. I caution excessive optimism as we have had a record number of pledges paid in full. Our non-pledged giving is 46% ahead of First Quarter, 2023. We set an aggressive goal of $300k for the year and are already at 29% of the budget for the year. One area that has not performed is our per capita income. These are the dues our members pay to Donegal Presbytery for all the good work they and the larger church do to support our congregation. The per capita is $38 per member this year, and we’re 28% below budget YTD. Our annual revenue budget for this category is $25k, so if you haven’t already paid your share, we encourage you to help make up this shortfall.
While expenses have been held in check, we expect increases in the coming months for HVAC and Personnel. We must invest in a new HVAC controls system. The Personnel budget will be stressed in the second half of the year as we look to add a PT Finance Assistant, a position we held off hiring to save money. Jennie Moffitt graciously agreed to take on that role in addition to her normal duties in the front office. The office responsibilities however have increased considerably which has impacted on her ability to perform the finance office needs.” – Gerry McShane, Church Administrator

Year to DateActualBudget% vs Budget
Pledged Giving$697,387$623,94911.8%
Total Revenue$915,637$795,49115.1%
Total Expense$602,534$629,0604.2%
Net Surplus/(Deficit)$313,103$166,43188.1%