Donate Your Extra Coffee Mugs

To reduce our single-use paper waste at Westminster, we invite you to donate coffee mugs you don’t use. The ideal size is 3” diameter and 3 ¾” high, so the mugs fit well in the dishwasher and in stacking racks. Thank you for assisting with our efforts to be better stewards of God’s creation when drinking hot beverages.
Cheyney Reading for Pleasure Book Drive
July 3, 2024Help encourage Cheyney University students to take time to enjoy reading for pleasure. Donate new and gently used current fiction books. Both comic and anime books were specifically requested by students. Please bring your donations and place in the collection bins located in Café 10 West during the month of July. This new fiction collection will be set-up for use and announced when Westminster distributes welcome back gifts as students return for the fall semester. Thank you for your support!
Join the Choir on their Scotland Trip!
July 3, 2024June 19–27, 2025 • Glasgow, Oban & Edinburgh
We still have space for additional participants on The Westminster Chancel Choir performance trip to Scotland in June 2025. We welcome singers and non-singers, members, and friends of the congregation. Click here to see the itinerary. Click here to register.
Welcome Gift for New Cheyney Students
July 2, 2024Help us welcome all new Cheyney student to campus with a gift from Westminster. 90% of the students at Cheyney Qualify as low income, disabled, or are the first in their family to attend college. Many students rely on the generosity of the community for school supplies. Each student will receive an aluminum water bottle filled with goodies. Please donate any of these items listed below:
- $5 Wawa Gift Cards/hoagie coupons
- Pens
- Sticky Notes
- Highlighters
- Candy
- Microwave Popcorn
Collection bins located in Café 10 West.
Welcome Parker Hendrix, our new Finance Assistant!

Welcome Parker Hendrix, our new Finance Assistant! Parker joined Westminster in 2020. Previously she worked as an Office Manager for Hendrix Orthodontics. She graduated from Wake Forest University with a Bachelor’s degree, and received a Master of Social Work at University of Maryland. Parker and her husband Jeff have two children, David and Kate.
Attend Camp SPARK’s Closing Worship Service

11:00 am Friday, June 28 • Sanctuary
Next week children will learn different elements of worship at Camp Spark including percussion/drumming reflection, stories told in freeze frame & drama, creative scripture reading, chorus/music, and liturgical dance/movement. On Friday morning, come out to support our children when they will lead us in an hour long worship in the various ways they’ve learned and practiced throughout the week.
Last Week to Register for the Choir Scotland Tour
June 20, 2024June 19–27, 2025 • Glasgow, Oban & Edinburgh
Join The Westminster Chancel Choir on a performance trip to Scotland in June 2025. Choir members/singers will receive priority preference, but we anticipate extra room for non-singing members/friends of the congregation. Click here to see the itinerary. Registration is open now through Monday, June 24.
Last Week to Fill a Backpack
June 19, 2024Send a child back to school well prepared through Bridge Academy in Coatesville. Buy a backpack and fill it with school supplies or buy specific items to fill a backpack. Click here for a full list of supplies. Money and Walmart gift cards are welcome, too! ($50 to fill a backpack or $75 to buy and fill a backpack.) Drop off the filled backpack or individual items in Café 10 West by June 30. Questions? Contact Laura Davis.
Westminster Thrift Shop’s Summer Hours
June 19, 2024The last day for thrift shop’s regular hours is Saturday, June 29. The Thrift Shop is closed July 1 to July 7. Starting Monday, July 8 through August 21, the thrift shop will operate on its summer hours which is 10 am – 3 pm Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.
Stephen Ministry Commissioning

9:30 am and 11:00 am Sunday, June 23 • Sanctuary & Live Stream
We will commission seven new Stephen Ministers during worship on June 23. These dedicated individuals attended weekly training sessions since early January. They are now ready to begin their caring ministry! We thank God for all our Stephen Ministers and pray that God will continue to bless this Ministry. If you are one of the “all time” active or resting Stephen Ministers, please wear your badge on June 23. We will invite you to come forward for the commission blessing. Please help us celebrate the completion of this important training!