
Update from the Strategic Visioning Lead Team

“… the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can do it.” -Deut 30:14.

Building on the foundation of our March retreat, the WPC Strategic Visioning Lead Team continues to explore God’s path for us. Our Team will work in four phases: Data Gathering, Listening, Discerning, Planning/Dreaming. This one-page update gives more information.

Our next update will provide additional details for the listening phase. In the meantime, we ask for your prayers and encourage you to prepare by reflecting on the role of WPC and God’s church in your life.

Wills Emphasis Sunday: Faithful Generations, Future Impact

Wills Emphasis Sunday

Faithful Generations, Future Impact

Sunday, June 2 in Worship & Fellowship

What things excite you so much that you want them to continue after your lifetime?
Planned giving allows us to do God’s work when we are no longer here to do it ourselves. Though death is a difficult subject, making our intentions known to family and other recipients can bring comfort and clarity to all involved.

Wills are about more than just money. They also make our wishes known about guardianship of children, our health priorities, and end of life care. On Sunday, The Legacy Task Force hosts an informational gathering and fellowship time in Spellman Hall after each worship service. They will have toolkits and materials to help you begin or revise your will and legacy plans. This conversation is for every generation, whether you are in your 20s or 90s.

Each and every one of us is touched by the legacy gifts of those who went before us – now it’s our turn.

Last Week to Register for Camp Spark!

Monday-Friday June 24 – 28 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm with optional afternoon 12:00 – 4:00 pm)

Camp SPARK is our summer children’s program! This camp will share the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. The morning activities will focus on Worship Arts while the afternoon will focus on Westminster’s ministry and mission, plus recreation and fun! Click here for more info, pricing and registration. Questions or for more info, contact Jill Reichert.

We also need volunteers! Click here to see some roles needed. Adults will need background clearances; we are glad to help you through the clearance process! 

Last Week to Donate Diapers & Wipes

Did you know 1 in 3 US moms report suffering from diaper need? Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or toddler clean, dry and healthy. Please consider honoring a Mom you know by donating diapers & wipes during May. We will distribute diapers and wipes to seven organizations in Chester County that work with families in need of diapers. Drop off diapers and wipes in the bins throughout the church or purchase online and deliver directly to Westminster at 10 West Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester PA 19382. Questions? contact Angela Emrich.

Financial Snapshot: April General Fund

Through April, we collected 48% of our pledges, which is indicative of the sizable increase in prepaid pledges in the first quarter. April giving declined as expected but the YTD surplus is $128k above plan and $92k ahead of the same period last year. Expenses remain under plan in all the major categories.

Year to Date (YTD)ActualBudget% vs Budget
Pledged Giving$813,327$679,42019.7%
Total Revenue$1,080,674$980,86210.2%
Total Expense$795,562$823,4793.3%
Net Surplus/(Deficit)$285,112$157,38481.2%

Last Week to Register for Camp Spark!

Monday-Friday June 24 – 28 (8:00 am – 12:00 pm with optional afternoon 12:00 – 4:00 pm)

Camp SPARK is our summer children’s program! This camp will share the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. The morning activities will focus on Worship Arts while the afternoon will focus on Westminster’s ministry and mission, plus recreation and fun! Click here for more info, pricing and registration. Questions or for more info, contact Jill Reichert.

We also need volunteers! Click here to see some roles needed. Adults will need background clearances; we are glad to help you through the clearance process! 

Living Waters Report

Despite the rainy weather on Saturday, around 40 people walked, sat in a stroller or ran a 5K to raise over $9,000 for Living Waters for the World! Click here to see more photos of the event. You can still help them with their fundraising efforts! Click here to make a donation. 

“Dinner for 8” returns this fall!

After a hiatus of several years, “Dinner for 8” returns this fall! “Dinner for 8” is an opportunity to join a small group of eight people (couples and singles – all are welcome!) to gather for good food, great conversation, and Christian fellowship. Dinners rotate between different households or restaurants each month. The fall session will run from September through December. Registration will start in late summer. Questions, or want a reminder when registration opens? Contact Scott & Erin Lockledge.

Update from the Transitional Associate Pastor (TAP) Search Team

Westminster has opened its search for a full-time Transitional Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth. The Transitional Associate Pastor (TAP) Search Team is listing this opening with the presbytery and surrounding presbyteries. If you know of a pastor whose gifts would enhance our ministry and spiritual growth at Westminster, please share news of this search. Full job description is here and email inquiries/applications to our TAP team.