Needed: Children and Youth Ministry Volunteers
August 24, 2023Fall programming is coming! As we continue to build our Children and Youth ministries, our young people need you to connect with them. They need lots of connections in their church as all of Westminster family love and care for them. We are all part of nurturing their faith.
Can you fulfill your Baptismal vows in this way? We will train and equip you. We will nurture you and provide the resources that you need… but we need you. All of those children need you. You are 100% guaranteed that these children will bless you beyond measure.
What is the time commitment? Volunteers help on an as-needed basis when staff are unavailable or we need to add adults to keep a safe adult/child ratio. All adults who participate in ministry involving children are required by State law to have background clearances and are updated every 5 years. Contact Jill Reichert for more info on children’s ministries. Contact Chris Clark for more info on youth ministries. Contact the office to find out how you go about getting or renewing your clearances. If you are not sure if you are due for renewal, the office can answer that, as well.
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