Help Us Celebrate Rev. Ann Hatfield’s Retirement

9:30 & 11 am February 16 & 10 am February 23
After 14 years of ordained ministry at Westminster, Rev. Ann Hatfield retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Outreach. Come hear Pastor Ann preach her final sermon during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 16. We will recognize and celebrate Pastor Ann on her final Sunday in a combined worship service at 10 am on February 23 when Jon Frost, Associate Pastor of Worship will preach. Following the service, we will gather in Spellman Hall for a church-wide reception.
If you would like to share thoughts and memories about Ann’s leadership, we invite you to drop off photos, cards or letters in baskets found in the Narthex during the first two Sundays in February.
Calling all Deacons, past and present! If you would like to contribute a dessert for the Deacons’ Dessert table to honor Ann’s years overseeing the Deacons, contact Joanne Ebert.
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