Celebrate Pastor Jennie’s Retirement

9:30 & 11 am February 4 & 10 am February 11

After 41 years of ordained ministry, including over 8 years at Westminster, Rev. Jennie Clark retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth. Come hear Pastor Jennie preach her final sermon during both morning worship on Sunday, February 4. We will recognize and celebrate Pastor Jennie on her final Sunday in a combined worship service at 10 am on February 11 with Director of Youth and College Ministries Chris Clark preaching. Following the service, we will gather in Spellman Hall for a church-wide reception.

If you would like to share thoughts and memories about Jennie’s leadership, you’re invited to drop off photos, cards or letters in baskets found in the Narthex during the first two Sundays in February. You also can contribute to a monetary “Love Gift” which Pastor Jennie will receive in worship on February 11. Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. If you would like to donate toward this gift, there are several ways to do so, contact Ed McFalls for more info.