A Message from Pastor Jennie
February 20, 2024Dear Westminster Sisters, Brothers and Friends in Christ,
Words cannot adequately express my gratitude for the beautiful sendoff you gave me on Sunday, February 11, as I concluded 8+ years of pastoral ministry with you! I cannot thank you enough.
Thanks to all who made it possible to combine worship services for my final Sunday at Westminster: the staff, the choir, the contemporary music team, the worship support volunteers and the children’s ministry team who flexed to make this happen.
It meant the world to me to be able to gather at the same time to worship and glorify our Lord. I am grateful for everyone’s contribution to this profoundly meaningful service. I am eternally blessed by the laying on of hands and the beautiful sending offered as I stood at the center of the sanctuary following the benediction.
Thank you for the amazing celebration and reception in Spellman following the service. You blew me away! Your mindful attention to the details of theme, food, decoration, and hospitality blessed me immensely. Thank you to all who organized and contributed to make this a wonderful celebration! Reading your messages printed in cards and reflections, as well as your spoken words, have touched me in ways you’ll never know.
Thank you to the Westminster children and children’s ministry team for the gift of dandelions and the sweet painting presented to me with colorful fingerprints, reminders of seeds of faith that may have been planted in children’s lives during my time at Westminster. I pray that those seeds will take root and flourish over the coming years.
Thank you to the congregation for the thoughtful gifts of backpacks and walking sticks to be used for travels and adventures that lie ahead. And thank you all for the VERY generous financial gift given to me that will enable those travel adventures to happen.
It has been my joy and honor to serve in Christ’s ministry at Westminster along with an amazing staff and congregation. I could not have asked for a better church family in which to complete 41+ years in pastoral ministry. You are loving and faithful witnesses to our Lord Jesus Christ, serving as his disciples to one another, to the wider community and to God’s world. The light of Christ shines through you!
As I enter retirement, I carry each of you with me in my heart and prayer. I repeat what I said to you in my final benediction at Westminster: “I love you. God be with you. And remember who (and whose) you are!”
With much gratitude and love,
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