
Early Bird Discount for the Men’s Retreat Ends March 31

April 25-27, 2025 • Sandy Cove Retreat Center
Life is….Joyful. Hard. Amazing. Confusing. Complex! Sometimes it seems like you are surfing the rapids of a fast moving river – or maybe it feels like you have been turned upside down. Join other guys at Westminster for our annual men’s retreat. Rev. Dr. Michael Wilson will help us encounter A.W.E. (Adventure, Wonder, Enthusiasm) and start to thrive in life and leadership. You can start to chart a course through life (no matter how young or “not-young” you are!) that follows Jesus and helps you flourish. Click here to register. Questions? Contact Gerry McShane.

Interested in Learning to Play Handbells?

4:00-5:00 pm Sundays, April 6, 27, May 3 & 3:00-4:00 pm April 13
Genesis Ringers is a beginner’s handbell class when you’ll learn the basics of handbell ringing in four weeks. No experience or music-reading skills necessary! Experienced ringers who want to brush up on skills after a hiatus are also welcome. For schedule and more information, please contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman.

Volunteers Needed: Camp Spark

June 23-27, 2025
While Camp Spark has workshop leaders we still need youth & adults volunteers. Volunteer half-day or full-day, whatever your summer schedule allows. You will support workshop leaders, shepherd kids from workshop to workshop, help littles accomplish projects, and more! Youth helpers have completed 6th grade and up. Adults over the age of 18 will requirw background clearances (we can help you with those!) This is a great opportunity to grow in faith, build community, and have a whole lot of fun! Click here to sign up and/or register your child(ren). Questions? Contact Cacila Rollet.

New Choir Robes!

Thanks to the donations of generous members through Endowment gifts and a gift from the Fred Dixon Estate Gift, new choir robes were dedicated on March 2.

Support Community Volunteers in Medicine 

CVIM provides free, high-quality healthcare to uninsured working people with low incomes to help them live healthy, productive lives and to assure health equity in the Chester County Region. In March we’re collecting the following items:

  • Toothbrushes (Adult and Children) Soft Bristle
  • Toothpaste with Fluoride
  • Dental Floss and Flossers
  • Interproximal Brushers
  • Mouthwash (MUST BE ALCOHOL FREE)
  • Feminine Hygiene Pads

Drop off donations in the bins in Café 10 West. Questions? Contact Angela Emrich.

A Message from Pastor Ann

My heart is full of gratitude as I remember my last Sunday at Westminster. Words alone cannot adequately express my deep appreciation for the beautiful service and reception you held for me on Sunday, February 23. It was a wonderful culmination of my 14 years of ministry with you.

Thank you to everyone who made the one combined worship service possible. I am grateful for everyone’s contribution. From music and prayers to sermon and benediction, it was a very moving and meaningful service.

Thank you also for the reception in Spellman Hall following the service. The food, decorations, and gracious hospitality were amazing. I am so grateful to everyone who planned, organized,  and worked to make this such a lovely and memorable celebration!

I’m also thankful for the collection of retirement cards, along with the gardening tools and basket full of produce and seeds. I look forward to many enjoyable hours in the garden this spring! And many thanks for the EXTREMELY generous financial gift. Your kind and thoughtful contributions to this gift will enable Jim and me to enjoy some traveling later this year. Thank you!

It was a great joy serving in ministry at Westminster. I have had the privilege of working with a fabulous staff and amazing church family. I pray you continue to know Christ and make Christ known as you faithfully witness to God’s love in all you say and do. You are such a blessing to me, the community, the world, and one another!

Volunteer at Broad Street

Looking for a place to volunteer? Broad Street Love (formerly Broad Street Ministry) located at 315 South Broad Street in Philadelphia offers radical hospitality to all people in their community. Westminster sends up to three volunteers to help serve, bus, and clean up lunch at the 10:30 am – 2 pm Sanctuary Lunch Service on the third Thursday of each month. We’re looking for additional volunteers for Thursday, March 20. Interested in serving or have questions? Contact Joseph Kefauver.

This Sunday: New Sunday Schedule Begins 

  • 9:00 am – Traditional Worship with Chancel Choir 
    KidsConnect and WeeConnect offered during worship
  • 9:00 or 10:30 am – Journey Class in Spellman Jr & Zoom 
    We will offer Journey Class at two different times. Pick the one that works best for your schedule. This week’s class is Repentance and Renewal: An Introduction to the Season of Lent. As we prepare to enter the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, join us for this standalone introduction and overview of the season of Lent. We will touch on the history and theology of the season as well as highlight ways to worship and grow your faith at Westminster this Lenten season. Taught by Pastor Jon Frost at 9:00am and Pastor Eric Dorville at 10:30am. 
  • 10:30 am – Contemporary Worship  
    Young Children and Worship program offered during worship
  • 5:00 pm – Youth Choir rehearsal 
  • 5:30 pm – Youth Group 

Click here to read why we are making this change or watch this video from Pastor Leah, Pastor Jon and Tim Evers.