Tween Ministry

Moving into 6th grade can be scary and exciting, and we think it’s important to walk with our 5th graders as they move toward this next stage of life. As 5th graders bring their wonderfully creative and lively selves to the youth ministry, we look forward to journeying with them as they discover how their own identities are enfolded into the life of Jesus life, death, and resurrection.
March 2 // 9-10am: A TWEEN’S TALE
It’s time to take those bible stories 5th graders learned in elementary school and wonder “How does my own story connect?” We spend a morning asking hard questions and wondering what it looks like to take responsibility for our own faith as followers of Jesus (also while we enjoy donuts and juice together!)
Friends help us through pain, navigating our identity, and finding joy together. It can also be difficult and painful to figure out who are your real friends. We spend the morning exploring how friendship with God guides us in good friendships with others through the movie Ron’s Gone Wrong and a story of Jesus and his disciples. Breakfast will also be provided.
May 18 // 4:45-7:30pm: BRIDGE NIGHT & COLOR CLASH
- Rising 5th graders spend an evening at Youth Group as their first official welcome into the WPC youth community with adult leaders and youth peers. The night begins with ice breakers and dinner and ends with a color clash event in the parking lot – prepare to get messy!
- There will also be an informational meeting from 4:45-5:30pm for parents of 5th graders.