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Beginning in 8th grade, Westminster Presbyterian Church offers youth a 7 month long confirmation experience framed by the PC(USA) Matthew 25 initiative, where they are confirmed at the beginning of the school year for a journey of faith exploration and engagement alongside an adult mentor.
- Confirmands EXPERIMENT with various practices and exercises around Christian faith values by using resources from a provided playlist on a bi-weekly basis, to gain theological understanding and confidence to serve “the least of these” in their community.
- They DEVELOP a relationship with a caring adult mentor by meeting with them two times a month for conversation, connection, and reflection, because adult mentors are vital to the flourishing of young people in their life and faith formation.
- Finally, confirmands CREATE a Pay It Forward Project as the culmination of their class experience using grant money to seed their support for a cause, ministry, or organization of their choice in the local community in order to help youth realize a sense of personal agency in their faith.