Memorial Fund

The Memorial Fund offers an opportunity to create meaning from loss, celebrate the life of a community member, and support the church. A memorial tribute gift recognizes the donor unless given anonymously, along with the individual or family. This is a personal way to honor their legacy while having impact. Gifts should be in cash, although donors can contribute securities, life insurance transfer, or bequests. Conditional gifts are at the discretion of the Memorial Fund Committees and/or the Gifts Acceptance Committee if determined to be in the best interest of the church.

In-Memory gifts fund non-budgeted Ministry/Staff special projects as approved by the Memorial Fund Committee. Proposals must further engagement, enhance programming, or the Westminster Presbyterian Church experience.

The Memorial Committee administers in remembrance, or in honor of gifts. The Committee maintains a Session approved list of proposed projects and coordinates disbursement with other committees, staff, and Ministries, as necessary. The disbursement for non-approved projects limit is $2,500; amounts in excess are subject to Session approval.