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Men’s Retreat

April 25 - April 27

Adventurer, Wonderer, Enthusiast: Thriving in the Whitewater of Life and Leadership by Following Jesus
Life is….Joyful. Hard. Amazing. Confusing. Complex! Sometimes it seems like you are surfing the rapids of a fast moving river – or maybe it feels like you have been turned upside down. Join other guys at Westminster as we encounter A.W.E. (Adventure, Wonder, Enthusiasm) and start to thrive in life and leadership. You can start to chart a course through life (no matter how young or “not-young” you are!) that follows Jesus and helps you flourish. It starts with awe. See you soon!

The Weekend
The weekend starts with check-in from 4-6pm on Friday, April 25 at Sandy Cove Retreat Center. Activities begin with dinner on Friday from 5:30-6:45 pm and concludes around noon on Sunday, April 27, following our time of worship. The weekend includes sessions on the theme, fellowship and free time.

Meet Michael Wilson
Michael has been a pastor, a teacher, a “mid-council leader,” and now works for the PCUSA Board of

Pensions. He loves life, used to do more whitewater kayaking than he does right now, and he rides his motorcycle as much as possible. He’s a dad and husband who takes his family and Jesus seriously and himself – not so much! He looks forward to spending time with us as we prepare ourselves to adventure, wonder, and be enthused about our lives.

Sandy Cove Retreat Center
Located at the confluence of the Northeast River and the Chesapeake Bay, the setting of Sandy Cove Retreat Center provides the ideal backdrop for an opportunity to reflect, refresh and renew. Complimenting this bucolic location are dining facilities and room accommodations that will provide ample nourishment and comfort. The retreat includes five meals and room accommodations.

Click here to register. Questions? Contact Gerry McShane.


April 25
April 27
Event Category:


Sandy Cove Retreat Center