CPR/AED Training

Spellman Hall

9-11:00 am Saturday, March 8 • Spellman Hall The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is 8-12 minutes. For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival reduces by approximately 10%. Fortunately, with CPR/AED training, you can gain the skills necessary to help save a life. Join The Good Fellowship Ambulance Education...

Bag Lunch Fellowship

Spellman Hall

Looking for something fun to do, want to talk to people you haven't seen lately, or meet new people? Pack a lunch, meet at church and spend quality time with your Westminster family. We're starting this monthly luncheon (the second Monday of each month) after getting feedback from various ministries that there is a need...

West Chester Senior Center Drop Off

Front Parking Lot

The West Chester Senior Center is seeking healthy snack products and meal items they can set out on tables for their community. These items must be shelf-stable or remain fresh for a few days with a minimum of refrigeration. Items desired include pasta, pasta sauce (no glass containers), applesauce snack packs, fruit cup snack packs, cheese and cracker snack packs,...

Women’s Retreat: Soul Tending…for Life

Spellman Hall

Led by Cheryl Galan, our women’s retreat is an invitation to Soul-Tending for... Life. We’ll create a space for nesting, resting and questing with our souls. In this space, we’ll share experiences of soul tending that help us listen for the holy in all the moments of our lives. Come, for cherished time with God, for joyful companionship...

Footsteps and Paws Walking Group

East Goshen Township Park

Footsteps, our walking Fellowship group, invites you to take a casual walk at East Goshen Township Park.

Creek Clean Up

Join in Caring for Creation by removing trash from the areas surrounding the streams. We will provide gloves, trash bags and refreshments. Click here to register for WEST GOSHEN SITE 111. List WPC as the group. We welcome walk-in volunteers too. Questions? Contact Sue and Martin Bruegel.