MLK Jr. Service Day
9-11 am Monday, January 20 • Kitchen or Portico We invite you to this intergenerational event (adults, families with young kids or youth) to bring items to assemble lunches for The Vine Ministry on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You can also make lunches at home and drop them off under the church portico. Click here...
Combined Worship Service & Annual Congregational Meeting
10 am Worship & 11 am Meeting • January 26 • Sanctuary & Zoom Join us as we hold one worship service at 10 am with our Chancel Choir & Worship Collective. Following the service, we will hold our annual meeting in the Sanctuary or via Zoom for the purpose of voting on changes in the terms of call...
Lift Every Voice: An Intro to Performing Gospel Music
Westminster Presbyterian Church 10 W Pleasant Grove Rd, West Chester, PAJoin nationally sought-after conductor, clinician, and gospel practitioner Arreon A. Harley-Emerson for an immersive workshop on the authentic singing of Gospel music. The workshop will include discussion of performance practice, vocal technique, teaching, and learning in the oral/aural tradition. Participants in the workshop will rehearse a range of gospel pieces led by Mr. Harley-Emerson and...
Rebuilding With Purpose A New Year, A Renewed Faith
Spellman Jr.10:45 am Sundays, January 12- March 2 • Spellman Jr & Zoom As we step into the new year, let’s not only make plans for our future, but also lay a strong foundation for our faith. Join us for our new Journey classes starting January 12. We'll explore the book of Nehemiah and discover how...
Revelries and Revolutionaries – Elevation Concert
Westminster Presbyterian Church 10 W Pleasant Grove Rd, West Chester, PAArreon A. Harley-Emerson, conductor Elevation Lift Every Voice Workshop Participants Celebrate Black History Month with Elevation, an all-professional, intentionally diverse vocal ensemble performing the music of pioneering Black composers. Hailed as “one of the best listens you’re likely to experience this year or any” by Vents Magazine, Elevation will offer works by Kay, Franklin, Dilworth,...
Rev. Ann Hatfield’s Retirement Celebration
SanctuaryAfter 14 years of ordained ministry at Westminster, Rev. Ann Hatfield retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Outreach. Come hear Pastor Ann preach her final sermon during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 16. We will recognize and celebrate Pastor Ann on her final Sunday in a combined worship service at...
Evening Vespers
Chapel4 pm Sunday, February 23 • Chapel Join us as we venture into molding Vespers into something a bit different! A family-friendly intergenerational worship, our theme of the month is Compassion. We’ll sing, pray, tell the story of the Good Samaritan, reflect and respond in community discussion. We’ll share how you can continue to engage with this story...
Communion Workshop
Spellman Hall9-11:30 am Saturday, March 1 • Spellman Hall Learn about communion, why & how we celebrate it and who can take communion. Spoiler: everyone is welcome at the table! This interactive workshop is designed to help children (2-5th grade) and parents better understand Communion in our tradition. Preparing the table, drama, arts/crafts, and cooking are...
Taizé Worship
ChapelTaizé worship includes various prayers, meditative readings of Scripture, an extended period of silence, and communion. This service is in person and live stream.
Ash Wednesday Pancake Dinner
Spellman Hall5:30-7 pm Wednesday, March 5 • Spellman Hall Start the Lenten season with our annual pancake supper. Gather with your Westminster family for dinner and fellowship followed by the Ash Wednesday worship service. Suggested dinner donation is $5/person or $10/family.
Ash Wednesday Service
SanctuaryJoin us for our traditional Ash Wednesday service which includes imposition of ashes.
CPR/AED Training
Spellman Hall9-11:00 am Saturday, March 8 • Spellman Hall The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is 8-12 minutes. For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival reduces by approximately 10%. Fortunately, with CPR/AED training, you can gain the skills necessary to help save a life. Join The Good Fellowship Ambulance Education...