Rev. Ann Hatfield’s Retirement Celebration


After 14 years of ordained ministry at Westminster, Rev. Ann Hatfield retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Outreach. Come hear Pastor Ann preach her final sermon...

Taizé Worship


Taizé worship includes various prayers, meditative readings of Scripture, an extended period of silence, and communion. This service is in person and live stream.

Rolling Congregational Meeting


9:00 & 10:30 am Sunday, April 6 in Worship or 10:00 am on Zoom We will hold a short congregational meeting during worship for the purpose of electing Phyllis Simmons...

Celebrate Your Life Story: A Workshop


7:00 pm Sunday, April 6 • Zoom Join us for a unique and uplifting workshop where you’ll learn to craft your own remembrance! This playful and reflective class will guide...