- Events
- Virtual
Exploring Our Christian Faith Through Indigenous Peoples’ Perspectives
Spellman Jr.10:45 am Sundays, November 10-24 • Spellman Jr. and Zoom Led by Betsy Ballantyne, we will reflect on Christian history regarding indigenous people and the Christians' role in that history, and also explore our Christian responsibility today when it comes to indigenous people. Attend via Zoom.
Racial Healing Book Study
Spellman Jr.3:30 pm First & Third Monday of the Month starting November 18 • Spellman Jr & Zoom Donegal Presbytery’s Racial Justice Task Group is hosting a new book discussion on racial healing. Join others in learning more about challenging privilege, confronting systemic racism, and engaging in collective healing. Interested in learning more about this opportunity? Contact Ann...
Illumine Our Hearts: Christmas Concerts
Sanctuary“Illuminate those in darkness... and direct our footpath in the way of peace.” - Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79) These words used in Elaine Hagenberg's Illuminare inspire the selections in this year's Christmas concerts. Illuminare features themes of Splendor, Glory, Love, Night, Peace & Light. This work is wrapped with familiar carols like Silent Night,...
Journey Class: A Surprising God
Spellman Jr.10:45 am - 12:00 pm Sundays, December 1, 8, 15 & 22 • Spellman Jr & Zoom Do you find yourself in a state of concern? In a world where we are surrounded by old and new crises we often find ourselves looking for hope. Where are the signs of God’s peace? Where is the joy when this...
Dementia & Alzheimer’s Support Group
Spellman Jr.How do I motivate someone with Alzheimer’s? What should I NOT say to someone with dementia? If you are asking questions like these, then please join others for a monthly support group. We will gather at 6 pm in Spellman Junior or on Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of each month excluding August & December....
Christmas Eve at Westminster
Sanctuary10 am Children & Family Christmas Eve Worship Live Stream & In Person • Children's Choir 3 pm Contemporary Christmas Eve Worship Live Stream & In Person • Worship Band • Leah Hrachovec preaching 5 pm Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Live Stream & In Person• Youth Choir • Leah Hrachovec preaching 7 pm Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Live Stream & In Person • Chancel...
One Service: Special Christmas Worship
SanctuaryContinue to celebrate the Christmas season at 10 am on Sunday, December 29 which includes scripture readings and singing favorite Christmas carols. No nursery, KidsConnect, Young Children and Worship, Café 10 West, Journey Class, Youth Choir or Youth Group on December 29. All of the above resume on Sunday, January 5.
Combined Worship Service & Annual Congregational Meeting
10 am Worship & 11 am Meeting • January 26 • Sanctuary & Zoom Join us as we hold one worship service at 10 am with our Chancel Choir & Worship Collective. Following the service, we will hold our annual meeting in the Sanctuary or via Zoom for the purpose of voting on changes in the terms of call...
Rebuilding With Purpose A New Year, A Renewed Faith
Spellman Jr.10:45 am Sundays, January 12- March 2 • Spellman Jr & Zoom As we step into the new year, let’s not only make plans for our future, but also lay a strong foundation for our faith. Join us for our new Journey classes starting January 12. We'll explore the book of Nehemiah and discover how...
Rev. Ann Hatfield’s Retirement Celebration
SanctuaryAfter 14 years of ordained ministry at Westminster, Rev. Ann Hatfield retires from her call as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Outreach. Come hear Pastor Ann preach her final sermon during both morning worship services on Sunday, February 16. We will recognize and celebrate Pastor Ann on her final Sunday in a combined worship service at...
Taizé Worship
ChapelTaizé worship includes various prayers, meditative readings of Scripture, an extended period of silence, and communion. This service is in person and live stream.
Ash Wednesday Service
SanctuaryJoin us for our traditional Ash Wednesday service which includes imposition of ashes.