Book Discussion Group


Join our monthly book group in discussing Horse by Geraldine Brooks. A discarded painting in a junk pile, a skeleton in an attic, and the greatest racehorse in American history:...

West Chester Senior Center Drop Off

Front Parking Lot

The West Chester Senior Center is seeking healthy snack products and meal items they can set out on tables for their community. These items must be shelf-stable or remain fresh for a few...

Community Warehouse Project

8:00 -11:00 am Saturday, April 12 • Your Home If you have tables, chairs, mattresses, couches, etc., that you would like to find a new home for, The Community Warehouse...

Bag Lunch Fellowship

Spellman Hall

Looking for something fun to do, want to talk to people you haven't seen lately, or meet new people? Pack a lunch, meet at church and spend quality time with...

Men’s Retreat

Sandy Cove Retreat Center

Adventurer, Wonderer, Enthusiast: Thriving in the Whitewater of Life and Leadership by Following Jesus Life is….Joyful. Hard. Amazing. Confusing. Complex! Sometimes it seems like you are surfing the rapids of...

New Members Class

Spellman Hall

Interested to learn more about or become a member of Westminster? This class is for you! All are welcome. There’s no obligation to join. A light breakfast and lunch will...

Scotland Tour

Glasgow & Oban & Edinburgh

Join The Westminster Chancel Choir on a performance trip to Scotland in June 2025. Choir members/singers will receive priority preference, but we anticipate extra room for non-singing members/friends of the congregation. Click...