Evening Vespers


4 pm Sunday, February 23 • Chapel Join us as we venture into molding Vespers into something a bit different! A family-friendly intergenerational worship, our theme of the month is...

Communion Workshop

Spellman Hall

9-11:30 am Saturday, March 1 • Spellman Hall Learn about communion, why & how we celebrate it and who can take communion. Spoiler: everyone is welcome at the table! This...

Taizé Worship


Taizé worship includes various prayers, meditative readings of Scripture, an extended period of silence, and communion. This service is in person and live stream.

CPR/AED Training

Spellman Hall

9-11:00 am Saturday, March 8 • Spellman Hall The average response time for first responders once 911 is called is 8-12 minutes. For each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival...

Bag Lunch Fellowship

Spellman Hall

Looking for something fun to do, want to talk to people you haven't seen lately, or meet new people? Pack a lunch, meet at church and spend quality time with...

West Chester Senior Center Drop Off

Front Parking Lot

The West Chester Senior Center is seeking healthy snack products and meal items they can set out on tables for their community. These items must be shelf-stable or remain fresh for a few...

Women’s Retreat: Soul Tending…for Life

Spellman Hall

Led by Cheryl Galan, our women’s retreat is an invitation to Soul-Tending for... Life. We’ll create a space for nesting, resting and questing with our souls. In this space, we’ll share experiences...