Consecration Sunday

Spellman Hall

Sunday Worship, October 20 • Brunch in Spellman after Worship What is God calling you to do? This question illuminates a new perspective on financial generosity, one of growing spiritually in our...

Blessing of the Animals

Under the Portico

4-5 pm Sunday, October 20 • Under the Portico Join us for a special worship service to bless your family's animals. Bring your pet on a leash or in a carrier...

Learn-to-Ring Handbells Class

Spellman Hall

1:00 pm Tuesday, October 15 or 7:00 pm Monday, October 21 Curious about handbells? If you can count to four, you can ring! No musical experience necessary. Come to a...

Congregational Meeting


9:30 & 11 am Oct. 27 Worship • 10:30 am Oct. 27 on Zoom Join us for a rolling congregational meeting at both services to vote on next year's slate of officers (Elders, Deacons...

NARCAN Training & Medication Dropbox

Spellman Jr.

10:45 am Sunday, October 27 • Spellman Jr The Office of Drug and Alcohol Prevention will be offering NARCAN Training.  For those unable to attend but want to learn this...

Chili Cook-Off & Fall Fest

5:30-7:30 pm Friday, November 1 • Spellman Hall, Outdoor Chapel, Portico & Narthex We’re having a Thank You God, Party - celebrating the fall and giving thanks to God for all gifts. Do you have...

Community Warehouse Project

8:00 -11:00 am Saturday, November 2 • Your Home If you have tables, chairs, mattresses, couches, etc., that you would like to find a new home for, The Community Warehouse...

One Service: All Saints Sunday


Join us for a combined service when we will remember and honor all the saints who have gone before us. We will also come to the Lord's table to celebrate communion.

50th Anniversary Organ Concert


4:00 pm Saturday, November 9 • Sanctuary Tim Evers and Kirsten Santos Rutschman will perform a concert in honor of the 50th anniversary of Westminster’s organ. Consisting of 3 manuals, 41 ranks and...

First Crew Disaster Relief Trip

November Nov. 17-23, 2024 First Crew will travel to Kentucky to assist persons in need from the devastating December 2021 tornado with another 50 homes destroyed by a tornado this...

Turkey Ton Challenge

Under the Portico

Support our annual turkey drive! We're collecting turkeys, turkey breasts, hams, and whole chickens. All must be frozen. A truck will collect turkeys Sunday morning and will distribute them to families in our community for Thanksgiving. Giant...