Journey Class: Open the Dialogue

Spellman Jr.

10:45 am Sunday, October 6 • Spellman Jr. & Zoom When stakes are high, opinions differ and emotions run strong, you have three choices: Avoid a crucial conversation and suffer the...

Rise Against Hunger

Spellman Hall

9:00 am - 5:00 pm October 12 & 13 • Spellman Hall Help us pack over 50,000 meals in October for Rise Against Hunger.  We need hundreds of volunteers from...

Third Grade Bible Workshop

The Site

12:30-3:00 pm Saturday, October 12 • The Site To encourage children to read the Bible at home, we present third grade students with a gift each fall - their own...

AV Training


Updates to our Sanctuary Audio/Video system are underway. Interested in learning more about our sound system or would like to join our AV team? Join us for a short training session...

Learn-to-Ring Handbells Class

Spellman Hall

1:00 pm Tuesday, October 15 or 7:00 pm Monday, October 21 Curious about handbells? If you can count to four, you can ring! No musical experience necessary. Come to a...

Consecration Sunday

Spellman Hall

Sunday Worship, October 20 • Brunch in Spellman after Worship What is God calling you to do? This question illuminates a new perspective on financial generosity, one of growing spiritually in our...

Blessing of the Animals

Under the Portico

4-5 pm Sunday, October 20 • Under the Portico Join us for a special worship service to bless your family's animals. Bring your pet on a leash or in a carrier...

Learn-to-Ring Handbells Class

Spellman Hall

1:00 pm Tuesday, October 15 or 7:00 pm Monday, October 21 Curious about handbells? If you can count to four, you can ring! No musical experience necessary. Come to a...

Congregational Meeting


9:30 & 11 am Oct. 27 Worship • 10:30 am Oct. 27 on Zoom Join us for a rolling congregational meeting at both services to vote on next year's slate of officers (Elders, Deacons...

NARCAN Training & Medication Dropbox

Spellman Jr.

10:45 am Sunday, October 27 • Spellman Jr The Office of Drug and Alcohol Prevention will be offering NARCAN Training.  For those unable to attend but want to learn this...

Chili Cook-Off & Fall Fest

5:30-7:30 pm Friday, November 1 • Spellman Hall, Outdoor Chapel, Portico & Narthex We’re having a Thank You God, Party - celebrating the fall and giving thanks to God for all gifts. Do you have...

One Service: All Saints Sunday


Join us for a combined service when we will remember and honor all the saints who have gone before us. We will also come to the Lord's table to celebrate communion.