Lynn George

Prison Ministry Art Show Begins Tomorrow

7 pm Friday, October 11 – 7 pm Sunday, October 19
Westminster partners with a Prison Ministry Art Show featuring artworks from the inmates at Coal Township State Correction Institute. Last year we generously raised nearly $4,000 with half going to the inmates to restock their art supplies as well as Christmas gifts for their families. The other half, at the artists’ request, goes to our charities. The Art Show is online and ends on Sunday, October 20. The original art as well as calendars and greeting cards of the original artwork will be on sale.

What is Consecration Sunday? 

Sunday Worship, October 20 
This year we are implementing a new stewardship model, Consecration Sunday, one we believe will help draw us all closer to God by asking what is God calling you to do? This question illuminates a new perspective on financial generosity, one of growing spiritually in our relationship with God. Here is the process:

  1. RSVP to the Celebration Brunch Fill out a Reservation Card in worship or online to let us know you are attending the brunch, which is free of charge to you. Please RSVP for the Celebration Brunch even if you aren’t able to come. We look forward to preparing a place at the table for you.
  2. Discern Your Level of Giving
    We ask for your discernment as an act of worship when you answer what God is calling you to do to support Westminster’s mission of Knowing Christ and Making Christ Known with your financial commitment. You can use the Westminster’s giving breakdown & step up chart or calculate a percentage of your income to help you think about what is God calling you to do? 
  3. Attend Consecration Sunday Worship on October 20
    Rev. Dr. Glen Bell will share his talents with us as he preaches. With over 30 years of experience as a pastor at PCUSA churches across the country, Glen currently serves as Senior Vice President at the Presbyterian Foundation. 
  4. Make your commitment DURING worship on October 20
    Instead of sending you a card in the mail, this year during worship we as a congregation will prayerfully commit to what is God calling us to do by filling out an Estimate of Giving Card together in worship. Those present in the Sanctuary will be asked to come forward to dedicate their commitment. Those online can submit an electronic Estimate of Giving Card.
  5. Gather at the Celebration Brunch
    Following each service Chef Matt Stone will cater a delicious brunch. Enjoy French toast, frittata, sausage, salad (and more!) and time of fellowship. RSVP for the Celebration Brunch.

Last Week to Donate Socks for Sock It To Us

Our goal is to gather 2,000 socks by September 30! We will distribute donations of NEW  socks (sizes from infants to adults of any size and style) to seven partner nonprofits. Dropoff donations to the bins located in Café 10 West. You can also order online, and ship them to the church.

Racial Healing Book Study

Donegal Presbytery’s Racial Justice Task Group is hosting a new book discussion on racial healing over Zoom. Join others in learning more about challenging privilege, confronting systemic racism, and engaging in collective healing. Interested in learning more about this opportunity? Contact Ann Hatfield. The date and time determined will be based on participants’ schedules.

An Update from the Strategic Visioning Team

The Visioning Team wants to thank everyone who participated in our information gatherings over the last six weeks. You provided thoughtful observations and ideas. We are deeply grateful for the invaluable insights you provided us! 
In total, 114 individuals participated in the process! 89 individuals attended 11 focus groups. In addition, there were 25 individual conversations with online worshipers, individuals who are former worshipers and outside community members. 
The second phase of our process began on September 24 which will continue through November. This includes reviewing all the information collected, identify common themes, and begin developing plans to address the future of our church. In the upcoming weeks you will have opportunity to hear and react to what we discern.

Hurricane Helene Emergency Response Efforts

Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida on September 26 as a very dangerous category 4 hurricane. The impact of Helene has been felt across multiple states, with devastating storm damage in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is in communication with affected presbyteries to share information and coordinate resources as wind and flooding damage is assessed. PDA deployed a National Response Team to several local presbyteries to respond to needs in their communities. Along with your prayers, your generous financial gifts will bring hope, help, and encouragement. Click here to support the PDA’s efforts or make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church, designating “Hurricane Helene” in the memo line. We will forward the collected funds to PDA. For updates on the response efforts click here.

Emergency Response Efforts for Hurricanes

Westminster joins the PCUSA in responding to those impacted by Hurricanes over the last few weeks. The impact of Helene & Milton is felt across multiple states, with devastating storm damage in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is in communication with affected presbyteries to share information and coordinate resources as wind and flooding damage is assessed. PDA deployed a National Response Team to several local presbyteries to respond to needs in their communities. Along with your prayers, your generous financial gifts will bring hope, help, and encouragement. Click here to support the PDA’s efforts or make checks payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church, designating “Hurricane Relief” in the memo line. We will forward the collected funds to PDA. For updates on the response efforts click here.

Make Your Reservation for Consecration Sunday

Sunday Worship, October 20 • Brunch in Spellman after Worship

What is God calling you to do? This question illuminates a new perspective on financial generosity, one of growing spiritually in our relationship with God. Join us on Sunday, October 20 for Consecration Sunday, when Rev. Dr. Glen Bell will share his talents with us as he preaches. With over 30 years of experience as a pastor at PCUSA churches across the country, Glen currently serves as Senior Vice President at the Presbyterian Foundation. We ask for your discernment as an act of worship when you answer what God is calling you to do to support Westminster’s mission of Knowing Christ and Making Christ Known with your financial commitment.  Immediately following both worship services enjoy a Celebration Brunch. RSVP to let us know which brunch you’ll attend.

Meet Rev. Eric Dorville  Our New Transitional Associate Pastor begins Sunday, November 10

The Transitional Associate Pastor Search Team and Session are pleased to announce that Rev. Eric Dorville will be joining Westminster staff as Transitional Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth. Ordained in 2016, Eric has served PCUSA churches large and small in Pennsylvania, working with youth, children, and adults of all ages. He holds an M.Div. from Palmer Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Youth Ministry from Eastern University. Eric is excited to encourage spiritual growth at Westminster: “I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of intentional discipleship, and I am committed to equipping believers to mature in their faith and service.”

Eric and his wife Maddie have three children, Andrew, Eleanor and Ben. Eric enjoys reading, traveling, cooking, and cheering on his favorite sports teams: the Eagles, Phillies, Flyers, Sixers, and Philadelphia Union.