Lynn George
Did you know every year we pay a per capita amount for every Westminster member to enable the Presbyterian Church (USA) to function as a denomination?
July 31, 2024Did you know every year we pay a per capita amount for every Westminster member to enable the Presbyterian Church (USA) to function as a denomination? This year that amount is $38 per member. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to donate the $38 for each confirmed member in your household. Click here to donate or send a check to the church office with “per capita” on the memo line.
Welcome Mission Co-Worker Rev. Cathy Chang

We look forward to PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker Rev. Cathy Chang and her husband, Juan Lopez visiting Westminster on Sunday, August 18. Cathy will be our guest preacher, and they will share an update on their work in the fight against human trafficking and coerced labor in the Philippines. Through our outreach budget, Westminster provides financial support to Cathy and Juan since they started this ministry in 2015. Help us welcome Cathy and Juan and learn more about their important work. Click here for more info about Cathy and Juan.

Help Families Moving Out of Homelessness
August 1, 2024Our outreach team recently approved the purchase to fill 3 baskets with common household tools and other supplies that were needed ASAP for Bridge of Hope families. These families moved from homelessness into apartments. Now our goal is to provide an additional 7 baskets to give families basic supplies when moving into a new home. During August donate items for these baskets. Click here to select one or more items needed. Drop items off in the bins in Café 10 West.
What are your hopes for Westminster?
August 8, 2024Our Strategic Visioning Team wants to hear from you! Join a one-hour small focus group or meet individually with a member of the Visioning Team. Topics may include: What brought you to WPC and what keeps you here? What would you like to see more or less of? The team welcomes your thoughts, contact the team to get started.
Join a Fall Small Group
August 22, 2024- Dinner for Eight
Time TBD
Dinner for 8 is an opportunity to gather with eight people (couples and singles – all are welcome!) for good food, great conversation, and Christian fellowship. The group will rotate dinner at a different household or restaurant each month. The fall session will run from September through December. Email Scott & Erin Lockledge if you want to participate by September 3. We will assign groups by September 8. - Gathering of Men
7-8:30 pm Wed. starting Sept. 11 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
This fall’s study is Tim Keller’s Galatians For You. Join us for a fellowship night on Wednesday, September 4 at Iron Hill in West Chester as we welcome new and returning members. - Women’s Weekly Wednesday Bible Study
9:30-11:30 am Wed. starting Sept. 18 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
This 13 week study, Luke in the Land – Bible Study Book with Video Access will follow Kristi McLelland through Israel studying snapshots from the Gospel of Luke. Kristi will challenge the way we read the accounts of Jesus. Through teaching videos she will take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus.
Register Your Child(ren) for the 2024/2025 Program Year!
August 22, 2024Our children’s ministry program year begins September 8. Please register your children for the 2024-2025 children ministries program year. This includes families who have registered in previous years!
- Nursery Care (6 months thru 4 years)
9 am – 12 pm Sundays, year round
As you head into worship or at any point during worship, you’re welcome to leave your children with loving teachers and caregivers. Children will have free play and story time. Register your child. - WeeConnect (Ages 3-Pre-K)
9:30 – 10:40 am Sundays, Sept. – May
Children stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children then they head downstairs (or they arrive before the service begins to stay the whole hour). After an opening time of singing, they will have a time of hearing/seeing a Bible story through Young Children in Worship storytelling in the connecting room, and have the opportunity to respond with artistic play, and end with prayer before families pick them up. Register your child. - KidsConnect (Grades K-5)
9:30 – 10:40 am Sundays, Sept. – May
Children stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children. They will begin with time downstairs in the large gathering area to watch the Bible story unfold (in true storyteller fashion) and then wonder about the story and what it means for them. They will then break into their age-specific classroom time for “Sads & Glads” prayer time and small group response activities. They will explore God’s word using the Growing in Grace & Gratitude Curriculum. Register your child. - Young Children in Worship (Ages Pre-K thru Elementary)
11:00 am Sundays, Sept. – May
Children will stay in worship with their families until the Thought for Children when they head to the Chapel for a time of singing, worship, and a time of hearing/seeing a Bible story through Young Children in Worship, and then have the opportunity to respond with artistic play, ending with prayer before families pick them up. Register your child. - Cherub Choir (Grades K & 1)
4:15-5 pm Wednesdays, Sept. – May
The Cherub Choir is newly restarting this fall after a long hiatus. Young children will sing & play with rhythms and instruments. Cherubs sing occasionally in worship and other church events, including a short Christmas program and Christmas Eve. Register your child. - Children’s Choir (Grades 2-5)
4:45-6 pm Wednesdays, Sept. – May
In Children’s Choir, older elementary-schoolers sing, pray, play music games, play percussion and other instruments, and learn the basics of how to read music. The Children’s Choir sings in worship about once a month and occasionally at other church events, including a short Christmas program and Christmas Eve. Stay tuned for a musical in the spring! Register your child.
Register Your Youth for the 2024/2025 Program Year!
August 22, 2024Our youth ministry program year begins September 8. Please register your youth for the 2024-2025 children ministries program year. This includes families who have registered in previous years!
- Youth Group
5:30-7:30 pm Sundays (Sept.-May)
Youth gather on Sunday nights for dinner, community, fun activities and discipleship in exploring what it means to follow Jesus as teenagers in their community. Register your youth. - Confirmation
Any youth entering 8th grade or high school this fall is eligible to sign up for our 2024-2025 Praxis Confirmation class. This class allows youth the opportunity to journey with an adult mentor to learn more about the Christian faith and how the Spirit has/is gifting them to practice Jesus’ love, compassion, and justice in their community and world. Click here to register and fill out this medical form. - Youth Choir
5:00-6:00 pm Sundays (Sept.-May)
We invite any youth grades 6-12 to join the Youth Choir. They sing once a month during Sunday worship and rehearse prior to Youth Group on Sunday evenings. We begin rehearsals on Sunday, September 8. Click here to register.
Living Waters Report

Despite the rainy weather on Saturday, around 40 people walked, sat in a stroller or ran a 5K to raise over $9,000 for Living Waters for the World! Click here to see more photos of the event. You can still help them with their fundraising efforts! Click here to make a donation.
Last Week to Donate Diapers & Wipes

Did you know 1 in 3 US moms report suffering from diaper need? Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or toddler clean, dry and healthy. Please consider honoring a Mom you know by donating diapers & wipes during May. We will distribute diapers and wipes to seven organizations in Chester County that work with families in need of diapers. Drop off diapers and wipes in the bins throughout the church or purchase online and deliver directly to Westminster at 10 West Pleasant Grove Road, West Chester PA 19382. Questions? contact Angela Emrich.
Graduation Sunday for High School Seniors

10:00 am June 9 • Sanctuary
We want to recognize, celebrate and send our graduating high school seniors with a blessing in worship on June 9. Seniors will also receive gifts from the congregation as they look beyond life in high school. Click here to register your senior. Questions? Contact Chris Clark.