Lynn George
Be a Candle Lighter in Worship this Advent!
November 14, 2024We are looking for advent candle lighters during worship on Sundays in Advent and on Christmas Eve. You can do this as an individual, family or with a friend – the possibilities are plentiful! You will be provided with the instructions ahead of time as well as any readings if there are any, though it may simply be lighting the candle for that particular Sunday. Click here to sign up. Questions? Contact Pastor Jon.
Sign Up for Dinner for 8’s Spring Sessions!
November 14, 2024Dinner for 8 is an opportunity to join a small group of eight people (couples and singles – all are welcome!) to gather for good food, great conversation, and Christian fellowship by rotating dinner at a different household or restaurant each month. The spring session will run from January through May. Email Scott & Erin Lockledge by December 20 if you would like to participate. They will send the spring schedule to participants by January 4.
Order Your Christmas Concert Tickets Now!

“Illuminate those in darkness… and direct our footpath in the way of peace.” – Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)
These words used in Elaine Hagenberg’s Illuminare inspire the selections in this year’s Christmas concerts. Illuminare features themes of Splendor, Glory, Love, Night, Peace & Light. This work is wrapped with familiar carols like Silent Night, The First Noel, Lo’ How a Rose E’er Blooming & Joy to the World as well as carol settings by John Rutter, Gustav Holst & Ryan Murphy.
Come hear our 100 Voice Concert Choir with chamber orchestra and handbells as they present their 34th Annual Christmas Concerts.
Concerts last about one hour. Tickets are free but are required to avoid overcrowding. This year ticket requests will be online only. There is a limit of 6 tickets per reservation. A $25 donation per ticket is suggested. If groups are interested in more than 6 tickets, please contact the church office. Unused tickets will be released 15 minutes before the program begins.
Click here to order your tickets!
Christmas Concert Schedule:
2:00 & 5:00 pm Saturday, December 14
3:00 & 6:00 pm Sunday, December 15
Unable to attend? You can enjoy the concert by watching the live stream concert at 3 pm on Sunday, December 15. Childcare is available at the afternoon concerts by reservation. Contact Mary Maina at to reserve space for your child(ren)
Support Westminster in 2025
November 14, 2024We’re grateful for the 343 households who committed $1,513,448 as a promise for Westminster’s future in 2025. You can still fill out an Estimate of Giving card to support our mission and ministry in 2025.
We’re Grateful for You!
November 21, 2024As we head into Thanksgiving week we want to take a moment to thank you for your gifts to Westminster. Your time and talents as well as your financial gifts make Westminster’s life thrive. We’re grateful for the 358 households who committed $1,570,152 as a promise for Westminster’s future in 2025. If you have not done so already, there is still time fill out an Estimate of Giving card. We challenge you to work toward a tithe (10% of your income). Thank you for your support of Westminster’s mission and ministry in 2025. Questions? Contact Sandy Kurek.
Volunteer at Broad StreetWatch Our Christmas
December 19, 2024Looking for a place to volunteer? Broad Street Love (formerly Broad Street Ministry) located at 315 South Broad Street in Philadelphia offers radical hospitality to all people in their community. Westminster sends up to 3 volunteers to help serve, bus, and clean up lunch at the 10:30 am – 2 pm Sanctuary Lunch Service on the third Thursday of each month. The next opportunity would be on Thursday, January 16. Questions? Contact Joseph Kefauver.
Wills Emphasis Sunday: Faithful Generations, Future Impact
May 27, 2024Wills Emphasis Sunday
Faithful Generations, Future Impact
Sunday, June 2 in Worship & Fellowship
What things excite you so much that you want them to continue after your lifetime?
Planned giving allows us to do God’s work when we are no longer here to do it ourselves. Though death is a difficult subject, making our intentions known to family and other recipients can bring comfort and clarity to all involved.
Wills are about more than just money. They also make our wishes known about guardianship of children, our health priorities, and end of life care. On Sunday, The Legacy Task Force hosts an informational gathering and fellowship time in Spellman Hall after each worship service. They will have toolkits and materials to help you begin or revise your will and legacy plans. This conversation is for every generation, whether you are in your 20s or 90s.
Each and every one of us is touched by the legacy gifts of those who went before us – now it’s our turn.
Update from the Strategic Visioning Lead Team
May 28, 2024“… the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can do it.” -Deut 30:14.
Building on the foundation of our March retreat, the WPC Strategic Visioning Lead Team continues to explore God’s path for us. Our Team will work in four phases: Data Gathering, Listening, Discerning, Planning/Dreaming. This one-page update gives more information.
Our next update will provide additional details for the listening phase. In the meantime, we ask for your prayers and encourage you to prepare by reflecting on the role of WPC and God’s church in your life.
Test Post v2
June 6, 2023Ask to be pet then attack owners hand under the bed, or my water bowl is clean and freshly replenished, so i’ll drink from the toilet get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber or carrying out surveillance on the neighbour’s dog and rub face on owner. Cat fur is the new black eat the rubberband rub my belly hiss and terrorize the hundred-and-twenty-pound rottweiler and steal his bed, not sorry so more napping, more napping all the napping is exhausting, but eat the fat cats food yet thinking about you i’m joking it’s food always food. Hiiiiiiiiii feed me now playing with balls of wool, chase laser and carefully drink from water glass and then spill it everywhere and proceed to lick the puddle and licks paws. Headbutt owner’s knee stare at owner accusingly then wink, but poop on grasses, so if it fits i sits run outside as soon as door open poop on the floor, break a planter, sprint, eat own hair, vomit hair, hiss, chirp at birds, eat a squirrel, hide from fireworks, lick toe beans, attack christmas tree. Avoid the new toy and just play with the box it came in jump on counter removed by human jump on counter again removed by human meow before jumping on counter this time to let the human know am coming back. Naughty running cat paw at beetle and eat it before it gets away jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, . Kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff see brother cat receive pets, attack out of jealousy meoooow.
New Journey Series: Psalms in the Fabric of Our Lives
May 29, 202410:45 am Sundays, June 16 – July 28 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
Our summer Journey class sessions, facilitated by Dr. Sue Fry, is a series of reflections on the psalms in conjunction with sermons on the psalms from the pastors and Westminster staff. Come as able. Click here to attend via Zoom.
June 16: Psalm 23: Its Texture and Its Text
June 23: Psalms in the Seasons of Life
June 30: When It Is Disorienting
July 7: Communal Lament, Reorientation and Thanksgiving
July 14: Psalm Presentation by Ann Hatfield
July 21: Out of the Depths: Heart Cries to God
July 28: Praying With the Psalms (Sue Fry)
& The Psalms and Music (Tim Evers)