Apply for an Endowment Grant

The Endowment Fund Board of Managers is vested with the authority of making available income from the Endowment Fund “for religious or charitable purposes of Westminster Presbyterian Church,” subject to the Grant Procedures Policy (separate document). Please provide the following information to assist the Board of Managers in evaluating and approving your request for funding. Grant applications must be approved by the Endowment Fund Board of Managers and endorsed by the Session. You are encouraged to supply any additional information that you feel will be helpful to the Board of Managers. The Board of Managers prefers to consider requests for special programs and projects, rather than operating fund requests.

All applications must be sponsored by a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Applications are to be submitted to Endowment Board of Managers.

Fill out a paper application for an Endowment Grant or use form below. Need help or have questions about filling out an application? Contact the Endowment Board of Managers.

Grant Feedback Form which must be completed within one year of receiving the award.

Westminster Member Sponsor Information

Name of Westminster member sponsoring and/or submitting the Endowment Fund application(Required)
Email address of Westminster member:(Required)

Section One: Prospective Grantee Organization Information

Organization or Program Name and Primary Contact

Name of organization primary contact, if different from Westminster member listed in item #1
Email address of organization primary contact, if different from Westminster member listed in item #2
Address of organization. This should be the address where a grant check should be sent, if an award is made:

B: Program/Project Description

Project Budget

Westminster Engagement

Section Two: Feedback Agreement

Approved grant recipients are asked to complete a Grant Report (See separate document) upon completion of their program. Programs should be completed within one year of disbursement of funds. By signing below, you indicate you have read and understand the Grant Procedures Policy and you agree to provide a completed Grant Report either at the completion of the project or no more than one year after disbursement of funds
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.