Our Mission Statement: With God’s help, we humbly strive to expand on Westminster’s Mission of Knowing Christ and Making Christ Known and fulfill Westminster’s God Sized Dream of Expanding our Witness.  Inviting all people to a faith journey with Jesus Christ, we will use our collective gifts to identify, develop, and implement initiatives to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

In January, the Expand Our Witness team began the process of gathering information and exploring the opportunities to expand our witness in the community. Our group was divided into subcommittees (teams) to eagerly pursue implementation of the following initiatives: 

  • Our Welcome Team set up all the new name tag Kiosks and introduced them to the congregation each Sunday. The results have been fantastic and today most members are signing up each week on the Kiosk and wearing their name tags. This team also helps greet each week.
  • Our Worship Team is working on an additional Sunday evening worship service, with dinner and fellowship beginning in October. 
  • Our Diversity Team has met with several local churches to determine how we can work together to reach out to our diverse community. 
  • Our Community Outreach Team is focused on three projects for creating a Welcoming Campus. An electronic sign facing route 202; a community outdoor prayer labyrinth and garden; and coming this September, we will be surrounded by beautiful sunflowers bordering our parking lot from Pleasant Grove Rd to 202. We are planning a special sunflower celebration inviting the community and our members to join us in enjoying God’s beautiful creation. Plans also include reaching out to new residents in our community through mail and social media, inviting them to join in our worship and service to God.
  • Our Senior Team has made a significant impact on many of our older members by calling and inquiring if they can worship with us each week in person or via live streaming. We are providing DVD players and DVDs of our services to those who do not have access to the internet. We are also seeking to expand our weekly live worship streaming in other senior living facilities. 
  • Our Prison Ministry Team has been in contact with the Chester County Prison to help develop several avenues of study and support for those inmates who are at the point of re-entry. The needs are great in the prison and we have the opportunity to be a part of this vital ministry.
  • A new team is forming to welcome new residents in our community, and to invite them to visit and worship at WPC. 

We have a wonderful and committed group who are dedicated to this important work. We are always open to questions, suggestions, and new members. If interested, please feel free to contact Joe Combee or Laura Davis, co-chairs. 

Acts 1:8 – And Jesus said to them, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”