Ash Wednesday at a Glance

Ash Wednesday at a Glance

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our journey in Lent, a time in Christian life historically marked by prayer, fasting, and a return to other spiritual practices in preparation for the Easter season.

Morning Worship
9:10-9:30 am Wednesday, March 5 • Sanctuary & Live Stream
Prayer, Communion, Imposition of Ashes.

Pancake Dinner
5:30-7 pm Wednesday, March 5 • Spellman Hall
Start the Lenten season with our annual pancake supper. Gather with your Westminster family for dinner and fellowship followed by the Ash Wednesday worship service. Suggested dinner donation is $5/person or $10/family.

Evening Worship
7 pm Wednesday, March 5 • Sanctuary & Live Stream
Traditional service with imposition of ashes.

Walk the Stations of the Cross
We will place our Stations of the Cross in each window of the Sanctuary. Come and walk the Stations around the Sanctuary.