Celebrate Consecration Sunday! 

Sunday Worship, October 20 
This Sunday is Consecration Sunday. This new stewardship model we believe will help draw us all closer to God by asking what is God calling you to do? This question illuminates a new perspective on financial generosity, one of growing spiritually in our relationship with God. Here is the process:

  1. Discern Your Level of Giving
    We ask for your discernment as an act of worship when you answer what God is calling you to do to support Westminster’s mission of Knowing Christ and Making Christ Known with your financial commitment. You can use the Westminster’s giving breakdown & step up chart or calculate a percentage of your income to help you think about what is God calling you to do? 
  2. Attend Consecration Sunday Worship
    Rev. Dr. Glen Bell will share his talents with us as he preaches. With over 30 years of experience as a pastor at PCUSA churches across the country, Glen currently serves as Senior Vice President at the Presbyterian Foundation. 
  3. Make your commitment DURING worship
    Instead of sending you a card in the mail, this year during worship, we as a congregation will prayerfully commit to what is God calling us to do by filling out an Estimate of Giving Card together in worship. Those present in the Sanctuary will be asked to come forward to dedicate their commitment. Those online can submit an electronic Estimate of Giving Card.
  4. Gather at the Celebration Brunch
    Following each service Chef Matt Stone will cater a delicious brunch. Enjoy French toast, frittata, sausage, salad (and more!) and time of fellowship.