Registration Open for Camp SPARK

Monday-Friday June 24 – 28 (8 am – 12 pm with optional afternoon component from 12-4 pm)

Camp SPARK (Spiritual Practices And Recreation for Kids) is a NEW summer children’s program! This camp will share the worship, ministry, and mission of Westminster with our community. We hope you’ll join us! This year’s theme is I’m So Blessed! We will learn about Paul & Silas in prison and how NOTHING can separate us from the Love of God in Christ (Romans 8:38-39).

Morning Workshops: Creative Words in Worship, Drumming, Music/Chorus, Dance/Movement, Worship Technology, Storytelling/Drama

Afternoon Workshops: Baking, Knitting/Weaving, Wood Projects, Gleaning Garden/Care of Creation, Art, Outreach/Service Projects, Recreation & Games and Pickleball.


  • $150/child for morning only camps (Family max – $250)
  • $250/child for full day camp (Family max- $500)

*Scholarships/Sponsorships available as needed
Discounts available for adult family members who volunteer


  • Register for Full Day Camp SPARK (Rising K-5th Grade)
  • Register for Morning Only Camp SPARK (Rising K-5th Grade)
  • Register for Pre-K (4&5 year olds)

Questions or for more info, contact Jill Reichert.

We also need volunteers! Click here to see some roles needed. Adults will need background clearances; we are glad to help you through the clearance process!