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Three days to collect 1,000 socks for Sock it to Us!
September 28, 2023Thank you to everyone who has donated socks for our annual Sock it to Us Drive already this month. Can you help us keep people’s feet warm this year? We’re trying to gather 2,000 socks this year and have collected 1,000 so far which leaves only three days left to accomplish our goal! We will distribute donations of NEW socks (sizes from infants to adults of any size and style) to Tick Tock Early Learning Center, St. Agnes Day Room, CYWA Gateway Shelter, Chester County Migrant Ministries, Atkinson Men’s Shelter, City Gates Men’s Shelter, and Broad Street Ministries. Please bring your sock donations to the bins located in Café 10 West. You can also order online, and have them shipped directly to the church, care of Ann Hatfield.
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