Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a confidential, Christ-centered ministry that trains laypeople to provide one-to-one care to others. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen, pray, and offer support to people who are going through difficult times in their lives, such as grief, divorce, job loss, illness, or other challenges. Typically, Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers for about an hour. Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of significant training in areas like listening, prayer, boundaries, and grief. They meet with the Stephen Ministry Leadership twice a month for supervision, continuing education, and mutual support. 

Stephen Ministry is available to every adult in our church community.  For care receivers, Stephen Ministry can provide:

  • Comfort and support. Stephen Ministers are there to listen, offer encouragement and pray with care receivers.
  • Hope and healing. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers find hope and healing during difficult times.
  • A sense of community. Stephen Ministry can help care receivers feel better connected to their church community.
  • If you are going through a challenging time, or if you know someone who is, please contact Pastor Ann Hatfield