Year: 2024

Westminster Launches a New Website!

We’re thrilled to share with you the good news that Westminster launched a refreshed website! Here’s a screenshot of the new home page. Our hope is that it is more user friendly and easier to navigate especially for those viewing worship at home. You’ll also find time sensitive notifications like snow closings on the top blue banner. Take a look around and let Director of Communications, Lynn George know if you have any questions.

New Journey Class: Traveling with God

10:45 am Sundays, September 8-29 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
The Bible offers countless examples of ordinary people who set out on journeys with God. Sometimes, it happens after a divine invitation and sometimes when the individual has no idea they are following God’s path. Thankfully, God leads and comes along for both! Led by John Willingham a retired Presbyterian Pastor, this 4-week class will draw from Scriptural examples of everyday individuals who set out with God as a way of encouragement and inspiration for us when we do the same. Click here to attend via Zoom.

Join a Music Ensemble this Fall

  • NEW! Cherub Choir (Grades K & 1)
    4:15-5:00 pm Wednesdays starting September 11 (Sept.-May) 
    The Cherub Choir is newly restarting this fall. Young children will sing & play with rhythms and instruments. Cherubs sing occasionally in worship and other church events, including a short Christmas program and Christmas Eve. Register your child. Questions? Contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman.
  • Children’s Choir (Grades 2-5)
    4:45-6:00 pm Wednesdays starting September 11 (Sept.-May) 
    In Children’s Choir, older elementary-schoolers sing, pray, play music games, play percussion and other instruments, and learn the basics of how to read music. The Children’s Choir sings in worship about once a month and occasionally at other church events, including a short Christmas program and Christmas Eve. Stay tuned for a musical in the spring! Register your child. Questions? Contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman.
  • Youth Choir (Grades 6-12)
    5:00-6:00 pm Sundays starting September 8 (Sept.-May) 
    In Youth Choir, middle- and high-schoolers sing music in a variety of styles. Whether you’re a beginner, or you sing in a choir at school, or you take voice lessons, there’s a place for you here. The Youth Choir sings in worship about once a month and sometimes on other occasions, including a concert at Maris Grove in December.  Click here to register. Questions? Contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman
  • Chancel Choir (Adult)
    7:00-9:00 pm Thursdays starting September 5
    The Chancel Choir provides choral music in the Traditional service throughout the year. Larger projects include Christmas Concerts in December and a Requiem concert in the spring. During Summer 2025, the choir will perform on tour in Scotland. During the summer months, feel free to drop in for Summer Choir on any or all Sundays as your schedule permits, without the commitment of regular Thursday night rehearsals. Questions? Contact Tim Evers.
  • Chancel Ringers (Youth & Adult)
    7:00-8:30 pm Wednesdays starting September 4
    Handbells is a wonderful ensemble that builds community spirit. Each person contributes a few notes towards creating beautiful, full-sounding music. Chancel Ringers ring about once a month in worship, as well as occasional other events. Experience reading rhythms and/or pitches is helpful, but not required; reach out if you are interested, and opportunities for beginners will be forthcoming. Questions? Contact Kirsten Santos Rutschman.

Wills Emphasis Sunday: Faithful Generations, Future Impact

Wills Emphasis Sunday

Faithful Generations, Future Impact

Sunday, June 2 in Worship & Fellowship

What things excite you so much that you want them to continue after your lifetime?
Planned giving allows us to do God’s work when we are no longer here to do it ourselves. Though death is a difficult subject, making our intentions known to family and other recipients can bring comfort and clarity to all involved.

Wills are about more than just money. They also make our wishes known about guardianship of children, our health priorities, and end of life care. On Sunday, The Legacy Task Force hosts an informational gathering and fellowship time in Spellman Hall after each worship service. They will have toolkits and materials to help you begin or revise your will and legacy plans. This conversation is for every generation, whether you are in your 20s or 90s.

Each and every one of us is touched by the legacy gifts of those who went before us – now it’s our turn.

Update from the Strategic Visioning Lead Team

“… the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can do it.” -Deut 30:14.

Building on the foundation of our March retreat, the WPC Strategic Visioning Lead Team continues to explore God’s path for us. Our Team will work in four phases: Data Gathering, Listening, Discerning, Planning/Dreaming. This one-page update gives more information.

Our next update will provide additional details for the listening phase. In the meantime, we ask for your prayers and encourage you to prepare by reflecting on the role of WPC and God’s church in your life.

New Journey Series: Psalms in the Fabric of Our Lives

10:45 am Sundays, June 16 – July 28 • Spellman Jr & Zoom 
Our summer Journey class sessions, facilitated by Dr. Sue Fry, is a series of reflections on the psalms in conjunction with sermons on the psalms from the pastors and Westminster staff. Come as able. Click here to attend via Zoom. 

    June 16: Psalm 23: Its Texture and Its Text
    June 23: Psalms in the Seasons of Life
    June 30: When It Is Disorienting
    July 7: Communal Lament, Reorientation and Thanksgiving
    July 14: Psalm Presentation by Ann Hatfield
    July 21: Out of the Depths: Heart Cries to God 
    July 28: Praying With the Psalms (Sue Fry)
                & The Psalms and Music (Tim Evers)

Fill a Backpack for Bridge Academy

Send a child back to school well prepared through Bridge Academy in Coatesville. Buy a backpack and fill it with school supplies or buy specific items to fill a backpack. Click here for a full list of supplies. Money and Walmart gift cards are welcome, too! ($50 to fill a backpack or $75 to buy and fill a backpack.) Drop off the filled backpack or individual items in Café 10 West by June 30. Questions? Contact Laura Davis.

We welcome guest preacher, Dori Hjalmarson and Juan Rodas to Westminster

We welcome guest preacher, Dori Hjalmarson and Juan Rodas to Westminster.

Dori is the mission co-worker serving in Honduras with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras. She was born and raised in the Southwest U.S. border region. Dori earned her master’s degree in divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary and is third generation of Presbyterian pastors called to mission service in her family. She was also trained as a journalist at the University of Missouri and has worked as a reporter and editor.

Juan grew up fishing and farming. He became a Christian after meeting his future wife, Yolanda Samayoa, and became a pastor in his father-in-law’s Presbyterian Church in Tegucigalpa. Over the past 25 years, Juan watched the Presbyterian Church in Honduras grow from 12 congregations to 30. He has three children and five grandchildren. Juan is currently moderator of the Honduras presbytery’s board of directors and in general acts as a pastor to the pastors, visiting congregations and caring for leaders of the churches.