Month: September 2024
New Journey Class: Traveling with God

10:45 am Sundays, September 8-29 • Spellman Jr & Zoom
The Bible offers countless examples of ordinary people who set out on journeys with God. Sometimes, it happens after a divine invitation and sometimes when the individual has no idea they are following God’s path. Thankfully, God leads and comes along for both! Led by John Willingham a retired Presbyterian Pastor, this 4-week class will draw from Scriptural examples of everyday individuals who set out with God as a way of encouragement and inspiration for us when we do the same. Click here to attend via Zoom.
Parking for Families

Expecting parents and families with young children: there are now parking spaces reserved for you near the kitchen entrance.
11am Service Spotify Playlist
September 12, 2024Ever wonder what we are going to sing at the 11am service? Add this playlist to your Spotify rotation and wonder no more! This is a great way to hear the songs in advance so you are prepared to worship on Sunday. Playlist is updated by Thursday each week.
Bring in NEW Socks for Sock It To Us
September 12, 2024Our annual Sock drive is in full swing and runs throughout September. Our goal is to gather 2,000 socks this year! We will distribute donations of NEW socks (sizes from infants to adults of any size and style) to Tick Tock Early Learning Center, St. Agnes Day Room, CYWA Gateway Shelter, Chester County Migrant Ministries, Atkinson Men’s Shelter, City Gates Men’s Shelter, and Broad Street Ministries. Please bring your sock donations to the bins located in Café 10 West. You can also order online, and have them shipped directly to the church, care of Ann Hatfield. Questions? Contact Laureen Smith.
Now Collecting: Peace & Global Witness Offering
September 12, 2024Throughout September, support The Peace & Global Witness Offering which is used to promote peacemaking efforts throughout the world. Your financial support can provide the resources needed to transform areas of desperate need into communities of peace and healing. Click here to donate
Thrift Shop Kicked off their 35th season!
September 19, 2024
Our Thrift Shop kicked off their 35th season with a delicious luncheon for their many dedicated volunteers! Over those years our thrift shop has donated over $300,000. Visit the thrift shop 10 am–3 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays or 9 am-12 pm on Saturdays. They always are looking for donations. Click here for a donation guide.
2025 Envelopes: New Envelope Request
September 19, 2024Are you currently NOT using giving envelopes but would like to receive them in 2025? Contact Parker Hendrix to order them. We will NOT order envelopes for you if you give online, have ACH/bank check giving, or Donor Advised Charitable/IRA giving. Thank you for helping us live our Care of Creation mission by reducing print and paper use.
Christmas Shopping for a Cause
September 19, 202411:00 am – 3:00 pm Saturday, October 5 • Spellman Hall
Come out to this charitable fundraiser supporting St. Jude’s Hospital featuring 20+ artists and crafters. Items you might find include: original paintings, original quilting, cross stitched pictures and stockings, quilts, knitted and crocheted items, smocked and hand crafted Christmas balls, Christmas decorations, hand-sewn Winnie the Pooh characters, as well as leather and wood products. 100% of your purchase donations will go to St. Jude. Cash and checks only.
Last Week to Donate Socks for Sock It To Us

Our goal is to gather 2,000 socks by September 30! We will distribute donations of NEW socks (sizes from infants to adults of any size and style) to seven partner nonprofits. Dropoff donations to the bins located in Café 10 West. You can also order online, and ship them to the church.
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